Chapter 67- Having A Cold Can Be Good, Just Don't Choke...

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*Two Weeks Later*

[Julia's POV]

It was Saturday and me and my dad were going to go out for lunch. But one thing was wrong, I woke up sick. I was putting on some earrings and coughing.

"You should go back got bed,"Anna said.

She was making her bed.

"I-I'm fine! Just a little cough!"I told her.

"You sure?"she walked over to me. She put a hand to my forehead. "You're burning up!"

"Anna, just leave to go to your date with Patrick. I'll be fine!"I said putting in one of my earrings.

I saw here in the mirror. She sighed. "Alright. I'll text Pete to take care of you if you're still sick later, okay?"

I nodded. She opened the door to our dorm and left. I looked I mirror and smiled. But then I frowned as I felt a migraine coming on. I groaned.

"Ugh!"I said and felt my throat hurt.

I then felt cold and then hot. I walked over to the thermostat and saw that it was on 71. That would not make me cold. Oh, I had chills, a migraine, soar throat, and a bad cough. I hated these sick days. I tried to put on a smile and walked out the dorm. I locked the door and saw my dad.

"Hey, honey!"he said.

I looked at him and felt dizzy. I tumbled a little.

"You alright?"he asked.

I nodded. "Just a little tired!"

I began to cough. I groaned as it hurt. "You sure? You aren't sick, are you?"

I shook my head. "Just a little bad cough."

"Well, alright. Let's go..."My dad said.

We both left to go to Olive Garden.

[Time Skip]

"It's nice isn't it?"my dad asked as we ate our appetizer.


"We should of invited Anna! She would love it here!"My dad said.

I laughed. "Oh, no! She got kicked out. She can't come back."

My dad dropped his fork. "What?"

I looked up. "What?"

"You just said something about Anna getting kicked out of this place."my dad looked at me.

I smiled. "Anna just flipped a table. No big deal!"

My dad laughed. "No big deal? She's missing out on some good food!"

"Yeah, well if she wants some, we'll just have to get her something and bring it to-"I stopped and began to cough.

I kept on coughing. "You alright? Did you choke?"my dad asked.

I shook my head. "No, I've had a bad cough all-"I coughed again.

I say back in my chair. My dad handed me my drink.

"You need to go back to the dorm to get better! You're sick, Julia!"my dad said.

I took a drink of my coke. "Dad I said I was-"I Burped. "I said I was fine!" My dad looked at me and crossed his arms. "Is it cold in here to you?"

My dad held out his hands to feel air.

"No. It's warm. Are you sure you don't want to go back?"he asked.

I shook my head. I then coughed and sneezed. "Actually yeah."

"I'll take you back and get someone to take care of you."my dad said getting up from his chair.

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