Chapter 31- Breathe

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*Next Day*

[Patrick's POV]

Its Saturday. It's been hard since I saw Tyler with my girl yesterday. I didn't want her falling for him. As every guy says it, he's not meant for her. I just felt like he wasn't for some reason. The goofy smile, the way he acts, it didn't seem right. I didn't want her with him. I still loved her with all my heart.

I was in my bed. It was 12:00. Pete never came to our dorm last night since Julia told me they were going to be together in the living room. I guess they had a thing last night. He really loved her and she loves him. Apparently they wouldn't let the past get in the way with their love for each other. But, the past did for me and Anna. Oh I missed her.

I was in my bed, crying. This wasn't like me. I felt miserable. I can't see Anna with Tyler. Ugh, just thinking about it had hatred come over me. Sobbing, my tears sunk through my bed sheets, making them completely wet. Sadness ruled over my heart now. Voices told me I wasn't meant for her. They said I will always feel guilt. I screamed and kept crying, wondering if I'll ever be alright.

I looked around the room, and saw my phone. I picked it up and unlocked it. I went straight to my pictures and saw me and Anna. About twenty pictures with me and her showed on my phone. I cried, knowing I didn't have her anymore. This was painful. I wanted her back in my arms. I wanted to hug her and tell her I loved her. How could she leave me hungry for love, especially her love? She was still the love of my life. I dropped my phone and cried. Since she left, I felt alone. There were no more good morning messages from her saying "I love you, baby! Have a good morning!" It was all gone. It slipped through my fingers.

I felt weak, knowing I shouldn't be broken down like this. This felt like a fight between being happy and being upset. I was nearly begging for happiness right now. I needed someone to comfort me. But, apparently, I know no one would come.

I heard a gentle knock on the door. I wiped my tears and tried to put on a smile.

"C-come in!"I said.

The door opened and Julia appeared. I looked behind her. No one was there, only here.

"Hey. I just wanted to see how you were doing. You were, well, really upset yesterday. You alright?"She spoke with a smile.

I scooted over and patted the spot next to me for her to sit down. She walked over to me and sat down.

"I'm alright, I guess. I have a lot on my mind..."I said.

"A lot as in Anna?"Julia asked.

I nodded and sniffled. "Yeah."

I was going to tell her about Tyler but I think she already knew since Anna and her tell each other everything. Julia took my hand and held it in hers. She used her other hand and kinda well, lightly smacked it.

"Just know, I'm here if you need a shoulder to cry on Patrick. Alright?"she told me with a smile.

She let go of my hands.

"Alright. Thanks Julia..."I replied.

She nodded she got up and messed with covers, pulling them over me a little.

"Well, if you need anything, I'll be in the living room with Pete!"

I nodded with a smile. "Okay!"

She walked towards the door and opened it then left. I couldn't believe it. Someone came to help me. Julia put a smile on my face. I could trust her, knowing she would be there for me. She soon felt like a....sister to me.

[Time Skip]

I soon got off my lazy butt. I took a shower and put on some clothes. I knew I had to get out and about for the rest of the day. It was 1:37 pm and had at least ten hours to spend at the school or just go out shopping.

After I slipped on some clothes and made my bed, I left the dorm, locking it. I decided to go see Julia and Pete for a little and see what they were up to. Once I got to the living room, I saw both of them cuddling on the couch together. They were laughing and kissing. Ew, watching them kiss I kind of wanted to throw up. I walked towards them and Pete saw me. He smiled.

"Hey, Bud!"he said.

I waved. I saw Julia perk her head up from underneath Pete's arms.

"Hey, Patrick!"she said.

"Hey, what's up!"I said.

They both looked at me with a smile.

"Not much. We're just kind of chilling together. Isn't that right baby?"Julia said.

Pete kissed Julia's forehead. "Yes!"

She giggled and kissed his lips. Ew, I wanted to throw up. They started to kiss over and over and I kinda decided to leave them be. Pretending to throw up in my mouth, I walked away. I shook my head with a smile trying to forget what I just saw. But when I did, I saw Anna. She was leaning against the wall of the hallway. I smiled. This was my time to congratulate her on the show. I walked over to her, but something stopped me, again. Sadness filled my body. My eyes began to water. It soon was hard to breathe. Tyler showed up by Anna's side. They were holding hands and laughing. Were they together? Was Anna finally over me? Did she move on? I couldn't believe it.

They stood there laughing and talking. It made me upset and I could hardly breathe. That's when they were inches apart and Anna kissed him. My heart broke. I felt like it was being pulled out of me by a brick. I couldn't believe my eyes. I guess she was over me. She didn't love me anymore. I lost her to Tyler. I shook my head and backed up. Once I backed up, I ran into someone. Without saying a thing, I dropped all their stuff that was in their hands. I then ran off, feeling embarrassed, but mostly feeling heart broken. I couldn't breathe without Anna, but I have to.
This is pretty sad but you can probably tell I put most of my feelings into this chapter. Sorry if this was too sad. I'll be witting another chapter!👍🏼

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