Chapter 18- Boyfriends Are Like Pills, They Help Take Away The Pain

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[Julia's POV]

I was running out the commons after me and Anna's big fight. I knew we would have to make up sooner or later, but not yet. I wanted to be alone. I walked into the living room where all the students hang out after classes, school, or on the weekends. I was walking passed everyone with anger till I felt someone grab me and pull me to one of the couches that were in the room. I felt someone's body against mine. I saw tattoos on the arms and recognized them. I smiled and realized it was Pete.

"Hey, Julia! How's my baby?"he asked me.

My smiled soon went away as I remembered me and Anna's fight.

"Not good..."I said.

"Aw, baby! No, what wrong?"

I moved, trying to get comfortable while I laid with Pete. When I got comfortable, Pete wrapped him arms around my body and pulled me close to him.

"Me and Anna. We had a fight."I told him.

"What about?"

"Anna is being ungrateful that Patrick was taking her somewhere that she didn't like, and of course she had to say she wasn't being ungrateful..."I trailed off.

"And...?"Pete said

"And we kind of fought with our instruments. I played my guitar as loud as I could and as bad as I could, while she played her drums as loud as can be."I explained.

He laughed at me. "It's not funny, Pete."

He soon made me start laughing, realizing me and Anna were acting like little kids.

"It is!"he said.

I turned my head to see his face and touched his nose.

"Stop trying to make it funny, baby!"I said.

"I'm trying not to! I'm just imagining my shorty with Patrick's shorty fighting with their's kinda funny!"he said.

I kissed his little nose and winked.

"Shorty?"I said with a smile.

He kissed my nose with a smile. "Yes, my shorty!"

"Can I continue my story, tally?"I said.

He laughed like an idiot. "Tally? Really. What the heck is tally?"

I laughed too. "I don't know! You called me shorty and I was trying to see if it would work with tally!"I explained.

He laughed at me. "It doesn't work, baby! It just sounds stupid..."he said.

I nodded as I agreed. Yeah, tally did sound stupid. Well, he has a dork for a

"I'm a dork..."I said.

He kissed me. "A dork that stole my heart!"he winked at me.

I giggled and blushed. I hid my red face underneath the blanket Pete had.

He pulled the blanket down and my red face was showing.

"Hey, the dork that stole my heart is blushing! Hey, you're not supposed to just yet! You're supposed to be telling me story! Tally has to have a story!"Pete said.

I began to laugh like a maniac. "Ew, what kind of laugh is that, my shorty?"Pete said while laughing.

"An ugly laugh. I have many ugly don't want to hear them!"I said.

Pete then touched my nose. "Yeah, I don't want to hear dork,"he said.

I faced him and looked at his lips.

"I love when we mess with each other,"I told him.

"I love it as much as I love you!"he said then pressed his lips against mine.

The sadness, the fight with Anna all left my mind as Pete kissed me. He took away all the pain. I loved him!

[Anna's POV]

I left the commons after Maddy left after she put Julia's guitar back in the case. I was mad at Julia and mad at myself. I shouldn't have fought with her. I shouldn't have said a thing about the fair and we wouldn't be in this position. I walked to me and Julia's dorm wanting to be alone and think about stuff. I hope she's not in there!

As I walked down the hall where our dorm was, I saw rose petals leading to me and Julia's dorm. I thought to myself, who did this? I smiled as I saw it and followed it. As I made it to my dorm and I opened it, realizing it was unlocked. The smell of food lingered in the room and I saw the rose petals on the floor leading to my bed.  I looked up as my eyes followed the trail. Patrick was sitting on my bed, holding a bag from Taco Bell and a bouquet of roses. I smiled as I saw him.

"Patrick, you did this?"I asked with a smile.

"Of course, anything for my girl!"he replied.

I ran to him and hugged him, but he soon fell down on my bed with me on top.

"Thank you, Patty!"I kissed him.

He pulled away. "You're welcome, baby,"he said.

He kissed me. I constantly ran my fingers through his beautiful dirty blonde/brown hair as we kissed. He pulled away to look at me. I smiled.

"Don't stop!"I him.

Then he crashed his lips back on mine. Oh, I didn't want it to stop. He pulled away and threw the bouquet of flowers and the bag of food on the ground and took off his shirt. He went back to kissing me and as he kissed me, he took off my shirt, revealing a tank top I was wearing underneath. I didn't want him to stop doing what he was doing. He kissed me and went for my neck. I loved it and smiled. I put my hands on his back as he kissed me. I gently scratched his back as he kissed me.

"Don't stop..."I said.

He pulled away. "You don't stop either..."he replied and went back to kissing my neck.

I kept on scratching his back, gently and softly. I felt love and I didn't want this moment to end. We soon got up and Patrick pulled down my covers to my bed. He pushed me back on the bed and we both laid in it together. He pulled the covers up and we laid there, cuddling close to each other.

"I love you, Anna!"Patrick said.

I kissed his little nose and he blushed.

"I love you too, Patrick."

He soon kissed me as we laid together. I couldn't get enough of him and his lips. He was my drug. He was like a pill, he took away the pain. The pain that happened with me and Julia, the fight, it all went away. The thought about the fight soon went away and all that I was thinking about was Patrick. Oh, I loved my baby!

Lips touching, light scratching, hair playing, neck kissing, and cuddling is what me and Patrick did as we laid in my bed. His shirt was off and my shirt was off but showed my tank top. The rest of our clothes stand on as we cuddled. We forgot about dinner and laid next to each other in my bed. I played with Patrick's hair as we cuddled.

"Can we stay like this?"I asked him.

"Till we get hungry, yes!"he replied.
I like this chapter! It's romantic and funny! I'll be writing the next chapter so stay tuned!👍🏼💜

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