Chapter 45- The Song That Made Me Love Him Even More

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*Next Day*

[Julia's POV]

I woke up the next morning by patting my hands around my bed, feeling around for Pete's body. I opened my eyes, not seeing him next to me. Did he leave to get ready for the beach without telling me?

I saw Anna sleeping in her bed. I guess she didn't want to be with Patrick last night. Wondering what time it was, I looked at my phone. 9:45 am. I sighed, knowing it was that time and I was tired. My phone buzzed, over and over. Texts popped up from Pete.

"Morning, baby! I left not too long ago to get ready for the beach. <3"

"Hey, if your up by 10:00, meet me in the commons at 10:00."

"If you're wondering why, I have a surprise for you! ;)"

"So come see me baby! I love you!"

"Come, I'm getting lonely! :("

I smiled at his text messages he sent me. I quick responded back.

"Morning cutie! I'm about to leave to head to the commons. Thx for having a surprise for me baby! You didn't have to do that! And I love you too, Petey! I'm coming in a couple minutes so you don't get lonelier"

I got out my bed and made it. I grabbed the bathing suit I bought on my birthday. I went in our dorm's bathroom and put it on. I grabbed a shirt Pete gave me that was his. It was one of his Metallica shirts. I put it on, knowing it was too big but I loved it. It smelled like Pete and I smiled. I grabbed a beach bag with a hair tie, a beach towel, sun block, and a small portable radio. I grabbed the beach bag and flung it on my shoulder. After I did, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Pete.

"Okay! Hurry, I don't want loneliness to take over my body... :("

I replied back.

"Nooooo. Only happiness and love can take over your body. I'll be there in a sec"

I grabbed my flip flops and left the dorm. I walked down the hall as a text from Pete showed.

"Where are you baby? I'm getting sad!"

I smiled and shook my head. He's dork, a cute dork.

"I'm almost there...I just left"

After I sent it, I turned a corner and was two halls from being to the commons. Again, another text came. I checked my phone.

"Okay, my princess. Take your time, I guess...ha"

I read it and soon made it to the commons. The door creaked open as I opened the door. I looked around and saw Pete on stage with Patrick. Pete saw me and smiled.

"You're here!"he had his arms up.

"Yeah! I told you I was almost there."I said.

I walked towards the stage. Pete had a guitar in his hands.

"What are you two doing?"I asked.

"Uh, well, Pete can tell you!"Patrick said.

I looked at Pete. He was ruby red and he scratched the back of his neck. That's what he always did when he was nervous.

"Julia, I...I wrote a song for you. And I asked Patrick if he could sing it for you since I can't..."Pete told me.

I shook my head with a smile. "Pete, you didn't have to do this for me!"

He nodded as looked down at his guitar.

"I do. I want to tell you how much I love you through this song,"he replied.

I sat down in the front row of seats by the stage. Pete was looking at me with his red face.

"Okay! Um, just play when you're ready baby,"I told Pete.

He nodded and looked at Patrick.

"Ready?"I heard Patrick whisper.

Pete nodded and began to play. Patrick then sang.

"I don't know where you're going but do you got room for one more troubled soul..."Patrick sang.

I smiled as I heard Patrick's singing. He was really good! And Pete was a really, really good guitar player! Pete looked up at me. He smiled and I winked at him.

"I love you!"I mouthed to him.

He kept on smiling while he played.

"Say yeah!"Patrick sang.

"Yeah!"Pete yelled.

"Let's be alone together! We could stay young forever! Scream it from the top of your lungs, lungs, lungs. Say yeah!"


"Let's be alone together! We could stay forever. We'll stay young, young, young, young, young."

Pete looked up at me again as he played. I gave him a thumbs up while blowing him a kiss. I loved the song so far. I guess he wanted to be alone with me because of the words. If he wants to be alone with me, we'll be alone together!

"My heart is like a stallion. They love it more when it's broke in. Do you wanna feel beautiful? Do you wanna? Yeah!"Patrick sang.

I loved the song. Good rhythm, good lyrics, good beat, I loved all of it, especially if it came from my Pete. He's so sweet if he wrote me a song. He's so sweet that he has been practicing for me. I smiled as I looked at Pete. He was concentrating on the strings and he kept nodding to the beat. Oh, he was so cute.

After a while, the song was over and I ran on stage as fast as I could. I wrapped my arms around Pete.

"Thank you, Pete! I loved the song!"I said.

I felt him hug me back, tight.

"You're welcome. I'm happy you like it,"he replied.

I pulled away and smiled at him.

"We should write some more songs together one day, Pete,"I said.

He nodded and took my hands and held them.

"That would be fun!"he replied.

I smiled a big smile at him.

"Well, I'll just leave you two alone so you guys can go to the beach..."Patrick said.

I looked at Patrick.

"Okay! And your singing is amazing! Good job!"

He gave me a thumbs up and walked towards the commons' doors. He opened them and left. I felt Pete pull me close to him and spin me around. He had me in his arms and whispered.

"Let's go to the beach..."he said.
At the hair salon getting me hair done. I'm pretty happy to write while I'm getting it done. So I'll be writing the next chapter!!💟

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