Authors Note :)

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hey everyone sorry this isn't an update or anything on this book but I just read through a lot of comments and saw that everyone is getting annoyed at me for the ending. People have been telling me that they "wasted their time" reading this book, or that I should make a sequal etc. first off I'm not making a sequal, if you read my previous authors note it says I left the fandom and it was ages ago, I'm not going to continue something I don't like, plus if I was to make a sequal I feel it would be boring. To me, I feel like the ending was too rushed, well the whole book was rushed.

But anyways, sorry that my ending wasn't good, it's just what I decided to write. When I wrote this I didn't think anyone would even read it.Majority of the book doesn't even make sense when i go back and read it now, but i made this when i was 14.

All feedback, on every chapter, it's much appreciated. even the negative ones. I'd still like to thank everyone who has taken their time to read this book, it means a lot. :)
I also don't use wattpad much anymore, so if anyone wanted to ask questions etc. my Twitter is @spicykianlawley

thankyou :)

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