Chapter 27 - Wet Dream

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I could hear mumbling from outside my bedroom, I groaned and turned to face the wall, trying to fall back asleep.

Just as I was about to fall back asleep, I felt freezing cold water splash all over my bed. I sat up instantly from my bed to see who did this, Jai and Luke were in tears from laughing. But when Jai looked up at my face he yelled to Luke, "Run!"

Both boys sprinted out of my room, I jumped out of my freezing cold bed, hopefully I can catch one of them. I pushed the blanket off me and ran up after them.

At least I was starting to warm up from the cold water. The first place I ran to was the backyard, I looked around for awhile and didn't see anyone, so I walked back inside.

Knowing them, they would probably be in the kitchen eating. So I made my way to the kitchen, but before I was about to walk through the door I felt arms wrap around my stomach, "You know, you're not that great at finding people."

I turned around so I'm facing him, I placed my hands on his chest, "I know." I huffed out.

He didn't say anything else, he was just staring at me, "Why do you keep staring at me?" I asked with a small smile.

"Because you're beautiful." He replied with a smirk, quoting my favorite book.

"You did that on purpose." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"And it worked." He said smiling. By now our faces were inches apart, and without hesitation, he crashed his lips onto mine. I kissed him back instantly. It may be cliché, but I could feel the 'sparks' that everyone talks about.

Jai pulled away slowly, and I'm glad he did. I didn't want this to get too hearted up, if you know what I mean.

He smiled down at me, like a proper smile. I giggled and smiled back. Jai looked like he was about to say something but we got cut off by Luke, "Awwwwww! Guys!"

We both turned our heads to look at him, "How long have you been there?" Jai asked.

"Since you walked out of the bathroom, I followed you." He replied smiling. Jai groaned and slowly let go of me.

I blushed- from embarrassment, knowing that Luke saw that whole thing. I looked over at Jai, he was on the couch now biting his lip, then he smiled a little. God that was hot.

I sat on the other side of the couch, and then moved my legs up so they were on is lap. He looked at me but then grabbed my legs and started drawing random things into my leg with his fingers. I smiled and pulled out my phone, scrolling through twitter.

I heard the noise when a phone is taking a photo, I looked up and saw Luke with his phone out. He looked at the photo and smirked. Seconds later my phone made a noise and I looked at the tweet, it said

@Luke_Brooks: Aw! Look at the cute couple.

It had photo attached to it, I looked at the photo and it was me and Jai, we both were on our phones and Jai had a hand on my leg.

"Now everyone's going to think were together." Jai said rudely.

"You guys basically are anyway, get over it." Luke said back rudely.

Jai didn't say anything back, instead he asked, "Want to go out for lunch?"

I nodded, "Yeah, just let me get changed first."

I went upstairs and got changed into a pair of leggings and a big jumper. I let my hair down today, it was straight and it didn't look too bad. For make-up I just put on some foundation and mascara on.

I walked downstairs to Jai, he locked off his phone and looked at me up and down then smiled. "Let's go." He said, walking out the door.

I followed behind him and shut the door locking it. I turned around to face him and he put his hand out for me to take. I gladly took his hand and we started walking.

"Where are we going?" I finally asked after minutes of silence.

"You'll see." He looked at me and smiled, then turned back around.

10 minutes later and we arrived at a little diner. It didn't look like many people came here. Jai pulled me inside and we took a seat by the window, watching cars drive past us.

"Aria," Jai trailed off. He looked at me nervously in the eyes,
"Will you be my girlfriend?"



so what will she say? hmm.

sorry for the short chapter! the next one should be a little longer xx

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