Chapter 9 - So close

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For the past couple of days Megan has been really distant. She's been on her phone texting like, non stop. She never even talks to us anymore. Whenever we would ask who she's texting, she would either say 'no one important' or 'my mum'.

It was Thursday, the second last day of school for the summer holidays - thank god. The bell rang for lunch time. I had to walk across half the school to get to where my friends sit. Once I got there I only say Brooke and Yianni.

"Where's Megan?" I asked them.

They both shrugged and mumbled I don't know. I sat down on the grass, underneath the tree.

I pulled out a small bag of salt and vinegar chips and started eating.

"What the fuck. Guys! Megan is with Sarah!?" Brooke half shouted.

Yianni shouted this time "WHAT?!"

I just stared at Brooke. Is she being serious? Megan hated her guts, she always told me how she wanted to 'scratch her eyeballs out and feed them to a cow'. I have no idea why it was the specific, but it was.

"Yeah! She posted a photo of her and Sarah together on Facebook." She showed us her phone.

I looked at the photo for awhile, it was captioned with 'This Girl!' with a kissing face at the end. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What on earth is going on? Yianni had the same look on his face.

"I'll talk to her in class. I have English next."

"Okay, hey can I come over after school? I forgot my keys to my house." Brooke asked.

"Yeah sure. I have nothing better to do anyway." I smiled. the bell rang to go to class. We all hugged and said our goodbyes and went different ways.

I got halfway to my next class, and then I heard Megan. "Hey Aria!" I turned around, and saw Sarah's whole 'possy' behind Megan. Huh?!?

"Uh, Megan? Why are you sitting with them? I thought you hated them?" I eyed the whole group of girls.

"It's called lying Aria, I'm pretty good at that since you actually thought I was your friend." She said, laughing a bit.

This better not turn into another fight. Because come on, 2 fights in 3 days? It's not something I would normally do.

"So that's it? You were faking the whole time? Why?" I asked, feeling my eyes starting to water. But I refuse to cry, especially in front of them.

She laughed again. "Oh of course I did! And to answer your question, I did it so I get to know every little detail about you, now I can get my revenge."

"Revenge on what?!" I screamed. I have no idea what she's talking about.

"Don't you remember? A few years ago yo-"

"What's going on here?" A male voice shouted over everyone talking. I didn't even realize we had a massive crowd around us, once again, with their phones out recording or some screaming out 'fight fight fight!'.

It was the principle, with Jai and Luke. Luke looked curious and Jai looked amused. Probably because this is my second fight in a few days.

"Back to class! Now! All of you!" The principle screamed. Everyone moved away to their next classes.

"I'll let you get off the hook this time girls, but if it happens again, their will be consequences, understand?"

Everyone mumbled an 'okay.' Then walked off to our next class.


I explained to Brooke what had happened.

"Seriously?" She said, shocked.

"Yeah." I whispered.

"Aw, come here." Brooke opened up her arms and I hugged her. We pulled away a few minuets later.

"I'm sorry, I know you guys were really good friends, for 7 years too." She said, wiping away my tears.

"Don't be sorry." I mumbled.

"I have to go, mum texted me. I'll talk later okay? Bye." Brooke said, leaving the house.

I sat on the couch, just staring at the ceiling, just thinking about what had happened today. I must have zoned out for quite a while. James, Beau, Luke and Jai walked through the door with Maccas.

"Got you some dinne- hey are you okay?" James said.

I wiped away my tears. "Yeah fine, thanks for getting me dinner." I said, grabbing the bag of maccas and running up stairs.

After I finished my dinner, I pulled out my laptop and decided to go on twitter for a bit. I came across one tweet, it was from Jai.

@Jaibrooks1: Hope she's worth it.

It was posted half an hour ago. I wonder who that's about?

Someone knocked on my door.
"Come in."

"Hey." It was Jai.

"Hey." I mumbled.

"You okay? I saw what happened today." Jai asked.

"No, I'm not okay. But I'll get over it eventually." I said.

Jai opened out his arms, I stood up and hugged him. He did give good hugs. He pulled away a bit, looking at me and holding me from my waist, my hands in his chest.

We were looking into each other's each for a few moments. Jai started leaning down.

Oh no! He's going to kiss me!

We were inches away from each other, then Jai's phone started ringing, making us jump. Jai groaned.

"What? Yeah okay, I'm coming now." He rolled his eyes.

"Uh, it was mum, I better get going home. I'll catch up later."

"Yeah sure, bye." I gave him an awkward smile.

"Yeah, cya." He said, scratching the back of his neck.

I laid back on my bed. Thinking about what had just happened.


long chapter this time!

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