Chapter 30 - Double date

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Aria's POV

~3 Weeks Later~

Jai and I have been together for just over a month now and honestly it's been great. Even though we have had a couple of fights, they didn't last very long, and they were over pointless little things. But I can't help but like him even more now.

Tonight is the Green Day concert, for the past few weeks I'v been constantly asking if he really wanted to take me, I wanted him to take a friend but I'm fine with going, after all, it is Green Day, why would I pass that opportunity.

Jai texted me saying he's picking me up at 4:30. Yes that's early but it takes like an hour to drive there, and traffic will make it longer.

I had decided to wear my Green Day shirt, with my denim shorts, it would probably get hot in there so I'm not worrying about jeans or anything. I straightened my hair and left it out, and did my usual make up. For shoes I'm just wearing a pair of black volley's.

After I did all that it was around 4:15, so I decided to play games on my phone until he picks me up.

~Next Day~

I woke up expecting Jai to be next to me, but he wasn't. Maybe he went out somewhere?

Last night was probably one of the best nights of my life, Green Day did such a good performance. After the concert we had come back to Jai's

house for the night, and well, here I am now.

I could smell something really good cooking, but I couldn't point out what it was. I got out of bed, with a struggle, and walked to the kitchen. When I got there I saw Jai on his phone in one hand and the other is holding the handle of a pan.

"Mm what are you cooking?" I said while giving him a side hug. He put his phone down and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Bacon and eggs, it for me and Beau though." He said. I can't tell if he's joking or not, but he doesn't look like he is.

"Oh, is there anymore left then?" Judging by the look on his face now I can tell he was joking.

He started laughing, "You actually believed me?"

I looked down and mumbled a "Yes." but smiled after, that was really stupid.

He put his head back and started laughing more, "It's not funny!" I said laughing, I push off him lightly and walked away, to go to the bathroom.

"What? So I don't get my morning kiss?" He said. I turned around to look at him and he was pouting. I can't help but go up and give me

a quick kiss on the lips, that pout was too cute.

"There, I'll be back in a second." I have him another quick kiss and went to the toilet. Once I got out I fixed up my hair a little, I had really messy hair from when I woke up.

I went back into the kitchen and there was a plate with bacon and eggs on the table, with Jai sitting on the other side.

"For you." He smiled, doing a hand gesture as if he was presenting something.

I laughed and sat down and started eating. "Must admit, this is really good." I said with my mouth half full of food.

"Well, I am a great cook." Jai said, putting his hand on his heart, making him look cocky. I laughed.

"Oh also, we have a double date tonight with Beau and his girlfriend Sara."

I scoffed, "Why? And where? I never agreed to this." I was confused, that literally just came out of no where.

"I don't know, Beau asked. Were going to a restaurant, and I know, I just said we will go or he will keep harassing us till we do." Jai stated.

I shrugged, it couldn't be too bad. "Alright, what time are we going?"

"We have a booking at 6:00, so we will probably leave around 5:45." He smiled. I nodded.


It was almost time to leave now for this 'double date.' I'm wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, my red and black flannel, and my black converses. I did my hair in a half-up, half-down style with around 4 small plats underneath. I had my make up as I usually do, just added brown eye shadow and bottom eyeliner.

"You ready?" Jai asked, coming out from his bedroom. I took notice into what he was wearing, normal back jeans and a black shirt, and he was putting on his black vans now. I looked back up at his face and he was smirking at me, "Look babe, I know I'm hot, but try not to make that so obvious."

"Oh my god." I mumbled. I blushed a little and laughed. He winked and grabbed my hand to walk to the lounge room.

"Finally!" Beau groaned, "You took forever." I rolled my eyes and walked out to Beau's car. He had told us before that were picking up Sara on the way there.

Once we got to the restaurant we all sat down at a good table, it was next to a huge window so we could look outside. Beau and Jai have gone to go get us some drinks, so I thought it would be a good time to get to know Sara.

"So you and Beau?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows. She laughed and blushed, "Yeah."

"Aw! Cute. You can tell he really likes you, he's acting all nervous." I laughed. She blushed more.

"You and Jai though? Do you love him?" She said wiggling her eyebrows. I'v never actually thought about it, do I love Jai? We have exactly been together long enough to say I love him.

I must have been thinking too long, because Sara squealed a little. "You do!" I laughed, "Honestly, I'm not too sure."


sorry for the really bad chapter!! next 2 will be pretty intense, bc there the last 2 chapters left o:

thankyou all for reading x

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