Chapter 4 - The Truth

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The day went pretty quickly after that. After watching the boys film they managed to cheer me up a bit. They even kept asking if I'm okay.

Tomorrow is Sunday, the day mum goes to England for her new job. She told us she had no idea how long she would be gone for. She could be gone for years. I'm gonna miss her so much.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my door opening. I looked away from the ceiling that I have been staring at for who knows how long and I saw Jai standing at my door smirking.

"What do you want Jai?" I said with annoyance in my voice.

"I came too see if you're okay." He stated as if it was obvious.

"Why do you care?" I asked. I don't get why out of all people, he's here.

He looked me in the eyes and shrugged, walking towards the end of my bed.

I got up from the desk and got onto my bed next to him, leaning back on the wall. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. He had this look on his face as if he wanted to say something but wasn't sure if she should. After a few minutes he spoke up.

"I have to tell you something-" he paused "about Jake."

I looked at him in the eyes to see any evidence of him joking or lying, but all I could see was seriousness all over his face. I just stayed there, looking at him, so he can continue.

"Uh- Jake, he's been cheating on you for awhile now. Actually he has ever since you first started dating. I see him at almost every party hooking up with other girls." He paused for a second to look me straight in the eyes. "I was going to tell you sooner, but I could be never get the words to come out of my mouth."

He ran his hand through his hair again, waiting for me to reply. I vision was suddenly blurred out. I felt Jai wrap his arms around me. He kept whispering "shh" and "it's okay" in my ear.

After about 10 minutes of sobbing I realized I had wet this shirt.

"Sorry for wetting your shirt" I mumbled, pulling away from him.

He chucked. "It's okay babe."

I was a bit taken back. He called me babe? He opened up his arms again and mouthed 'come here'

I gave in and hugged him. I could smell his cologne, and it smelt good.

"He's a jerk" Jai mumbled against my neck. I could feel his hot breath on me. I pulled back from the hug.

"Thanks Jai, for you know, comforting me."

He smiled and got up. "No problem, come on, let's go hang out with the rest of the boys." Holding out his hand too help me up and I took it.

I followed him out to the lounge room and everyone was laughing. When they noticed me they gave me a small smile and went back to their conversation.

I couldn't help but wonder why Jai had started being nice to me in the past week. He's acted like he's hated me since I first met him. I looked over to Jai who was laughing about something with James. Jai caught me staring at him and he winked.

I put my face down blushing. Blushing? Since when does Jai make me blush?

I zoned back into the conversation then Daniel asked me "What do you think Aria?"

"Huh?" I replied.

He must of noticed I wasn't really listening into their conversation because he asked me what they were talking about.

"Do you want pizza for dinner?"

"Yes!" I said happily. Pizza was my favorite food.

"Good, I'll go get it now. Jai, Luke come with" Beau said, walking out swinging his keys between his fingers.


After dinner we all decided to put on a movie. So right now all the boys were fighting about what movie to watch.

Luke shouted on top of them all "Why don't we get Aria to pick!"

They all turned around to look at me, I shrugged getting up and going to the shelf. I pulled out Final Destination 5.

No one said anything so I put the DVD. I looked around and noticed the only seat left was next to Jai. I walked up and sat next to him and he smirked at me.

About half way through the movie my eyes started to feel dopey. Then I shifted myself to get comfortable and leaned on something. Assuming it was Jai. I then feel asleep.


Theres chapter 4!

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