Chapter 19 - Crash

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I woke up to my phone ringing, I groaned and picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Aria, hey. I need to talk to you, can we meet up at the park at 12?" It was Beau, and it sounded important.

I agreed to go and checked the time, I had an hour to get ready. Brooke was still sleeping, so I thought I might pull a prank on her.

I went up to the other side of her bed and lifted it all the way up, struggling a bit. I heard her hit the floor, her face was priceless. I started laughing so much my eyes started to water.

"What happened?"

I was laughing too much to reply. She looked around a bit and laughed lightly to herself.

"Not funny." She said with a slight smile.

"It is." I managed to say. She got up off the floor and climbed back into bed.

"I'm have to go in about an hour, Beau needs to talk to me." I said, walking over to my bag to get out my clothes.

After I got changed and did my hair I said bye to Brooke and made my way to the park.

When I got there I saw Beau sitting on the bench. I walked over to him and he got up to give me a hug- I gave him one back.

I sat down next to him, "So what did you need to tell me?"

"I'm telling you how I know Tristan."

I looked up at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I used to be close friends with him.." He paused for a second, "When I was in grade 10, I went to skip class. When I walked outside I saw a group of guys dealing drugs from a bit of a distance, and it was Tristan and his 'crew'. They knew that I saw them, so they threatened me, they said if I was to tell anyone they would kill me. I believe them of course, their those kind of people. So I had to do all their jobs for them, thats why I was hardly at school or home anymore. It was because of them, he turned me into a bad person."

I mumbled 'oh my god' under my breathe. I was speechless.

"Wow." I managed to say. "But why aren't you still with them? Like I know it was a few years ago and all but-"

He cut me off, "He found someone else. He found someone else to do everything for him, to get him the money for drugs, everything." Beau looked disappointed in himself.

I gave him an awkward side hug, "It's okay." I said. He looked up at me and gave me a small smile.


I opened the fridge and saw there was hardly any food.

"James!" I called out. I heard a 'what' in the distance. "Can we go food shopping, there's like nothing here!" I shouted back.

I heard him walking down the stairs. He grabbed his keys and said "Sure."

I got into the passenger seat and buckled up. James started driving and I turned up the music, Fancy but Iggy Azalea was playing. We were both singing loudly and dancing.

When the song finished me and James both looked at each other and started laughing.

I looked back ahead of my and saw a car coming straight for us, and before I knew it, everything went black.

Jai's POV

I was bored, so bored. I was scrolling through twitter but nothing was happening.

"Jai! Luke!" Beau called out, he sounded like he was panicking.

"What?" We both called out. Beau slammed the door open, "James and Aria got into a real bad car crash. Get up now were going to the hospital."

I immediately started to get scared, what if something happened to James, and Aria.

I got up straight away and basically ran to the car. I was getting so anxious I started to feel really sick, but I brushed it off.

Speeding through all the traffic as fast as we could, till we eventually got to the hospital.

We got to the front desk, "Where's James and Aria Yammouni?" I asked.

"Third floor, doors 22 and 23. They are currently unconscious, but doctors are fixing them up. You will have to wait awhile."

I didn't even say thankyou, I quickly ran up to the third floor, looking for doors 22 and 23. There were police all crowded around the doors. I groaned and sat down on the chair closest to door 23, Luke and Beau walked in finally and sat down.


Hours have passed now and there's still nothing. I have seen about 5 nurses and doctors running in and out of their rooms. Daniel is now here, he arrived to the hospital like 5 minuets after we got here.

I have tried asking them for an update, but they don't tell me anything. I sighed as I saw a doctor coming up to us.

"Are you boys James and Aria Yammouni's cousins?"

We had to tell them we were their cousins, we could only see them and get updates if we were related to them. Everyone had nodded yes.

"Well as you have heard, James and Aria were in a bad car accident. They were hit by a drunk driver."

"Is there an update on them though?" Beau rudely asked.

"Yes there is. James will be fine, he has a broken collar bone and a few scratches. But Aria got hit worse, her head went through the front window so she has brain damage. But, she is also in a coma." The doctor said sadly.


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