Chapter 18 - His Q&A

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"Can I talk to you?" Jai asked with pleading eyes.

I nodded. He started walking to the swing set and I followed him. It was an awkward silence for a few minuets.

"Aria, I need to tell you something." Jai said. He looked nervous, and scared. And I felt the same, like who doesn't get scared when someone tells you they need to tell you something?

"What is it?" I asked. I looked up at him for a moment then looked back in front of me, not wanting to get lost in his chocolate brown eyes.

"I like-"

"Hey guys!" It was Izi.

I looked at Jai and he looked pretty pissed off. I mumbled a 'hey.' Jai got up from his seat and walked away cursing.

"Oh, did I interrupt something?" Izi asked, she looked guilty.

"Oh no, it's fine." I put on a fake smile, I really wanted to know what Jai was going to say.


After about an hour of talking to Izi about pointless stuff, I'm finally home. But the first thing I notice is Jai on the couch, followed by James and Daniel. Jai looked at me with sad eyes.

Everyone said hey and I said it back, then went upstairs. I checked my phone because it went flat about half an hour ago.

I had a message from Brooke asking if I wanted to stay at hers the night, I replied with a 'sure' and started to pack my bag.

"Where you going?" James asked walking into my room.

"Staying at Brooke's the night."

"Good, because I'm going to stay at Daniels." I nodded and he walked out.

Brooke texted me saying she was out the front, so I quickly got my phone charger. Once I got downstairs I called out 'goodbye' but I think everyone was already gone.

I got into Brooke's car and she drove off, complaining about her mum the whole way to hers.

Once we got there I walked inside her room and saw she had stacks of lollies, chips, soft drink etc. and movies. I gave her a huge smile and she winked.

Later on that night we were in the middle of watching Justin Bieber: Never Say Never, I looked over at Brooke and saw her texting.

"Who you texting?" I asked, shoving my face with popcorn.

"A guy." She said, blushing.

I fake gasped. She chuckled and so did I.

"But really, who?" I asked, getting serious. Brooke hardly ever has a crush, she normally hates everyone.


I chocked. "As in Daniel Sahyounie?"

She blushed again and nodded. 'Oh my god' I mumbled. It was cute, but gross at the same time, but I didn't tell her that last part.

"Cute." I said to her smiling.

She changed the subject straight away. "How about you and Jai?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"I don't know. I think I like him? But he's only being a huge dick to me. He tried talking to me today but Izi interrupted so yeah, it's kinda confusing."

She sighed, "You will get together soon." Then she winked, with a huge smile.

I rolled my eyes, "How can you be so sure?" I asked, smiling a little.

"Check his twitter."

I went onto my twitter and searched him, he did a Question and Answer just an hour ago. I was scrolling through a couple, laughing a bit at some of the questions.

One of the questions had caught me eye. It said,

Fan: "Do you like anyone?"

He replied with a straight answer, "Yes."

Someone else had asked,

Fan: "Who is it that you like?"

He replied with, "Not going to say."

I sighed in disappointment, so he likes someone?

I went through some of his favorites and one of them was "I bet Jai likes Aria or something, they seem pretty close.."

So does that mean he likes me? Maybe he just accidentally clicked on it?

I looked back up at Brooke and she was smiling at me.

"It will be about you, you know?"

"It probably won't, he talks to a lot of girls." I sighed, looking back down at my twitter.

She gave me that shut-up-or-ill-slap-you face. I laughed a bit a her face, it looked pretty funny. Then I turned back around and continued to watch the movie.


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