Chapter 13 - Alone

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She sighed. "The reason I have been in England is because I have been seeing your father."

"WHAT?" Me and James yelled at the same time.

"We have been talking for about 6 months now, he's still alive." She looks down at her lap.

You see, when me and James were about 4, our dad went to the army. But of course at the time, we didn't know what that was. I remember me and James would come home from school everyday, expecting dad to be there and whenever he wasn't we would say "Where's dad?" and she would reply with "Still at work." This went on for years until we were about 8, when we got told the truth. Mum told us about him going to the army, and then he told us that he had died. I cried for ages, it took me a long time to get over it.

"How come you never told us?" James said, getting angry.

"I didn't want to upset you guys. I'll explain it all tomorrow, it's getting late. Bye guys, love you." She ended the call straight away.

James got up from my bed and walked out my room. I heard something bang into the wall. I got up from my bed and saw the James had punched the wall. By now everyone was standing around James.

"What happened?" Daniel said with worry all over his face.

"James calm down. I'm sure there's a reason why she didn't tell us." I said, hoping he won't wreck the whole house.

He looked at everyone and walked out the house. He should be back soon, he does this when he gets really angry.


Hours later James eventually came home. The boys are going out for dinner any second now, like a meeting or something for the Janoskains. I'm going to be home alone almost all night, so I'll probably just watch some movies.

"We're going now, I'll be home later." James said, waving me goodbye. I got a few 'bye's' from the rest of the boys, except Jai. Wait, where is Jai?

"James wait!" I yelled after him.

"What?" He said.

"Where's Jai?" I asked.

"Andddd why do you care?" Luke butted in, dragging out the and.

I hesitated. "Uh, just asking, normally he's always with you guys." Hopefully that was convincing enough.

Everyone was just staring at me. "He said he will meet us there if we leave before him, so yeah."

I nodded and said bye. I went back inside and went to the shelf with all our movies. I was scrolling through the movies for awhile until I came across White Chicks. I put the DVD in and laid back on the couch.

I got about half an hour through the movie and there was a knock at the door. I got up and opened the door and saw Jai here, soaking wet. I haven't even really it was raining.

"The boys have already gone haven't they?" He asked.

"They left awhile ago." I chuckled.

He laughed a bit. "So can I come in? Or am I going have to stand in the rain all night?"

I opened the door so he can come in. "Did you want to take a shower or something? You can wear James's cloths." I said.

"Yeah I will, thanks." He said and walked away to the shower.

About 15 minuets later Jai came out of the shower, wearing a singlet and sweatpants. His hair was still wet from the shower. God, he looked so hot.

"Like what you see?" He winked.

I didn't even realize I had been staring at him until now.

"I'll take that as a yes?" He said with a smirk and moved closer to me.

"I, uh, I'm going to get a drink." I stuttered. I got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen, pouring half a glass of water. I wasn't that thirsty.

When I was done I walked out the door and bumped into something hard and almost fell-It was Jai. He was holding onto my waist.

I straightened myself up and I met his eyes. His eyes flicked to lips and he started leaning in and so did I, butterflies in my stomach going crazy. Our lips locked. I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with his wet hair. Our mouths moved in perfect sync. He licked my bottom lip, wanting entrance. I opened my mouth so he could.

We finally pulled away, both puffing like we had ran a marathon. I smiled and so did he. The door bursted open and all the boys came in laughing. I quickly pulled away from Jai and stood there awkwardly.

Beau looked at us. "Guys, is there anything going on here?" He asked with a smirk.

"Uh, nope, nothing at all." Jai said, pulling an awkward smile.

By the looks on their faces, they knew what happened. They could also probably tell by our swollen lips.

"I'm going to go upstairs." I say walking up to my bedroom. I got to my bedroom, shut the door and laid on my bed. He actually kissed me, I thought. It may sound a bit cliche but, it felt right, like it was meant to happen. But why did he kiss me? Does he like me back?


So they finally kissed! Thanks for the 500+ views! xx

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