Chapter 21 - Surprise

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The whole car ride home was really awkward. It was just silent, I saw Jai looking at me every now and then though.

We arrived home. I got out the car and started walking to the door. James quickly ran up in front of me though, stopping me from going inside. I gave him a confused look and he just smiled, I could hear people trying to whisper inside, but it wasn't really working.

James walked inside first, then I did, Jai following behind me. Suddenly heaps of people-even people I don't know, jumped up and yelled "SURPRISE!" really loud, which only made my headache worse.

Well to be honest, I was surprised, and shocked.

"Who did this?" I asked no one in particular, I was distracted by all the balloons everywhere.

"I did, do you like it?" James asked, with a huge smile.

"I love it." I breathed out, smiling back. The music started playing again, everyone went back to what they were doing.

Heaps of people I don't know were coming up to me, I was getting like a million questions. I was completely surrounded by people, there was so much noise and it was making my head thump.

My vision slowly started blurry and my breath wasn't on track. My head was getting worse as more people have surrounded me, asking me the same questions.

And before I knew it, I blacked out.


I woke up to my soft comfortable bed. Wait, how am I in my bed?

"Thank god you're awake." I heard Jai say.

I look up and saw him sitting on a chair, just by my bed. How long was I out for? Jai must have known that I was about to ask this,

"You've been out for a couple of hours. You must have gotton a bit overwhelmed by everyone and fainted. I carried you up here, since none of the other boys were around." He said, he had a look of worry in his eyes.

I nodded and closed my eyes again, but was interrupted by Jai, "Have these, it will help." He said, passing over some pills and a cup of water. I gladly took it and mumbled a 'thankyou.'

James walked in my room, "Jai is she awake ye- oh good." He said when he saw me.

"You alright?" James asked, sitting on the end of my bed.

"Yeah, my head hurts though." I said, rubbing my temples.

"You need rest." Jai said, still having that look in his eyes.

I nodded and closed my eyes, half asleep. I heard James and Jai mumbling but I wasn't really listening. I then heard foot steps and my door creak, so it was probably half closed.


I woke up, again. I felt a lot better then I did before. I heard other voices coming from downstairs, I think it was Brooke and Yianni.

They're probably talking about how I fainted. I got up from bed, deciding I should go see them.

"James! You should know not to throw a huge party when she woke up from a coma just hours before!" I heard Brooke yell at James. Being the 'over protective' friend she is.

Before James could reply I went down the stairs, each step a bit louder so they know I'm here.

Brooke ran up and hugged me, "Thank god your okay, I was worried sick." She muffled into my shirt.

I laughed lightly. Yianni did the exact same thing. I sat on the couch, next to Daniel. Followed by Yianni and Brooke.

"I'm hungryyy." I groaned. Dragging out the 'y'

"Jai's in the kitchen making food, so go see him." Luke said, but then winked at me. He probably wanted me to see him, but not about food- if you know what I mean. But I just nodded and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, what you making?" I asked him.

He looked up at me and smiled, like a genuine smile, "Hamburgers."

I smiled back at him. "I didn't know you could even cook." I acted surprised.

He chuckled, "I have hidden talents." He winked at me, then looking back down at the food.

"Like what?" I asked, feeling curious as what else he might be able to do that I don't know about.

"You'll find out one day." He winked at me again, turning off the stove.


Don't think I really like this chapter, it's really short but it was just a filler.

Thankyou for the 1,700+ views! xx

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