Chapter 2 - The announcement

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It was finally Friday, the week went really slow. The bell rang for the end of the day.

I quickly packed up my things and went out the classroom. I put my head down and started walking to the doors until I bumped into to someone, making me stumble back a bit.

"Sorry." I mumbled, not looking up at the person.

"You should really watch where your going, Aria." It was Jai. I just glared at him. Just as I was about to keep walking, he grabbed my arm. He parted his lips. He looked like he was trying to say something. I just gave him a confused look.

"Uh-uh don't worry, I'll talk later, bye." He rushed off. Well that was odd, I wonder what he was planning to say?

I just continued walking until I got to the carpark but I couldn't find James's car. I was about to call him but then a silver car pulled up. The window rolled down and I saw Beau there, Jai and Luke's older brother.

"James said he couldn't make it this afternoon, so he sent me to pick you up, jump in!" I just nodded and got in the back seat of the car.

After about 5 minutes of awkward silence Beau said "James said that your mum wants to speak to you as well, apparently it's important." Well that's odd. Mum never had something 'important' to tell us. I just said okay and put my head down.

I heard 2 car doors open so I looked up to see Jai sitting across from me and Luke in the passenger seat.

"What took you guys so long?" Beau looked quite angry.

"We had some-" Luke paused and looked at me "-stuff to do." Beau just nodded and started to drive.

It was an awkward drive home. Everyone was silent, Jai was doing something on his phone, Luke was staring at the window, looking like
he was in deep thought and Beau looked the same. What's going on with these guys?

When we got to my house I thanked Beau for driving me home. I walked inside to see everyone on the couch. I put my bag next to the door and took my shoes off. I sat crossed legged on the couch.

"So what's so 'important' you wanted to talk about?" I asked mum.

Mum just looked down to the ground. "Okay, so as you guys know, it's getting harder and harder to pay for all these bills, were running really low on money." she paused for a few seconds. "I got offered a job in England, it's pays good money and-"

I cut her off "Does this mean we will be moving to England?" I almost shouted. I didn't want to be moving to England. That means leaving everything behind, I couldn't do that.

Mum sighed. "No, you and James will be staying here while I go to England for awhile. I will give you guys half of the money I'm getting so you can stay in the house." I was shocked and I think James was as shocked as I was. I will be basically living by myself as James goes out almost everyday.

It was quite for a few minutes. James finally spoke up "When are you leaving?"


"Wait, that's like 2 days away! How come you didn't tell us sooner?" I practically shouted. I can't believe she's just leaving us. There are plenty of jobs here, why couldn't she just find one? Mum just sighed.

"Sorry honey. Now, I better go get packing, I'll be down to make dinner soon." and just like that, she walked away. I looked at James and he looked like he was thinking, hard.

I sighed. I got out my phone and started scrolling through twitter. James stood up, he was about to go up the stairs but he turned around to me.

"Don't worry Aria, I'll look after us." I gave him a small smile, then he turned back around and walked to his bedroom.

I did the same, when I walked into my bedroom I jumped onto my bed. I put my headphones in to clear my mind after what happened today, and before I knew it, I fell asleep.


So that was chapter 2!

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