Chapter 20 - Awake

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Jai's POV

It's been a whole month since the car crash, and Aria is still in a coma. They doctors said that she might not wake up, they don't know exactly what will happen.

James got let out of the hospital a few days after he woke up, but he's been staying here for Aria, everyone has been really. Right now, we were all in her room, hoping she would wake up. No one has talked much in the past month, only small talk.

"Were going to get food, you coming Jai?" Daniel asked.

"I'll pass, thanks." I said, not really hungry.

Once everyone left the room, I looked up at Aria. Even though she was unconscious, her face pale, she was still beautiful. I got up from my seat and pulled up a chair and sat next to her.

I stared at her for a few moments, I looked down to her hands. We weren't allowed to touch her, but I still picked up her hand and held it. The feeling of them being cold gave me shivers.

"Please wake up Aria" I mumbled.

I never realized how much she actually meant to me now, I really really like her.

I felt her hand squeeze a little, my heart beat immediately sped up.

"Aria?" I said, hoping she would reply, or wake up.

I felt another small squeeze, I got up quickly and raced outside to get a nurse.

"Nurse? Doctor? Someone!" I shouted through the hallways. I finally saw Aria's nurse coming up the hallway in a rush.

"She squeezed my hand!" I half shouted out in a breathe.

She didn't even bother replying and started calling other nurses and doctors to her room.

I tried walking back inside but a doctor yelled at me to stay outside. Minutes later the rest of the boys came up.

"I heard shouting before and lots of nurses running up here before, is everything okay?" Luke asked. Everyone looked puffed out, they probably ran up here.

"It's Aria! She squeezed my hand!" I said. Everyone had huge smiles on their faces.

"Wait, why were you holding her hand?" Beau asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

I shrugged, "Looked like they needed to be held." I said, hoping they would brush it off, which they did. Only because a doctor had come out.

"You boys are her cousins?" The doctor asked. We all nodded.

"I have good news, Aria should wake up in an hour, 2 hours tops. She's lucky you know, we didn't think she would make it." He said with a small smile.

Everyone started cheering, lots of "YES!" was thrown around, and we were all hugging each other. Honestly I don't think I have ever felt so happy in my life.

Aria's POV

I tried opening my eyes, it took a lot of strength too. I started seeing daylight, but my vision is still a little blurry. I heard machines going crazy and doctors running around like crazy?

My sight started coming normal, all I could see were white walls. I'm in a hospital?

I tried to asked how I got here, but all that could come out was a whimper. My throat was dry, so I couldn't speak.

"Here, this will help." A nurse said, passing over a small cup of water. I gladly took it and let the cold liquid go down, and god it felt refreshing.

When I finished I asked "How did I get here?"

The nurse looked at me with sad eyes, "You were in a car accident with your brother, he is okay though, only a broken collar bone, but you got hit worse. Your head went through the window screen, and had a lot of brain damage. You have also been in a coma for a month." She sighed a little.

I mumbled an 'Oh.' I didn't really know now to reply to that.

When the nurse left I was just laying there, not knowing what to do. My head is pounding, I saw that there were tablets on the table next to me, but I shouldn't take them, they could be for something else.

Suddenly my door bursts open, 5 boys basically running up to me, showering me with hugs. I could never be happier to see them.


Hours passed, we have been talking, catching up on everything I have missed out on for a month. Worse part was, my mother knew that I was in a coma, and she didn't even come and see me. I understand about money and all, but no matter what, you would think that you would come see your own daughter. Guess she doesn't care that much then.

"Me and Luke are gonna head home, you coming Jai?" Beau asked.

"No." He simply said. Beau mumbled an 'okay' and walked over to me, giving me a hug and saying bye- Luke did the same, then walked out the door.

"I'm going to grab a drink, do you want anything Aria?" James asked.

I smiled, "Water please." He nodded and left me and Jai by ourselves.

"So." I said.

"So." Jai said.

I laughed a little about how awkward this was- Jai did the same. He walked over and grabbed a seat next to me. He picked up my hand and held it. I was shocked at his gesture, but I went along with it anyway.

"Aria, I really like you." He said, looking at me in the eyes. But before I could tell him that I like him back, Yianni and Brooke opened the door.

They looked like they were about to run over to me, but instead they just looked between me and Jai.

Jai awkwardly let go of my hand and moved away. Brooke gave me a look saying 'I need answers' and Yianni just looked confused.


It's been almost an hour since Jai had told me he liked him, and honestly, I'm over the moon. I wouldn't think that he would like me back. Sucks I didn't get a chance to tell him I like him too though. Guess I'll have to later.

Brooke and Yianni have been telling me everything that's been happening with Sarah, Jake and Megan, but I haven't really been listening. They were only complaining about her anyway.

"Aria, everything is looking good, you are free to go home." A doctor says, then leaves the room.

James got up from his seat to help me up out of the hospital bed, then Jai ran over to the other side of me to help me up.

"Guys, I can get myself up, I don't have 2 broken legs." I say, laughing a bit. James just stood up straight and Jai just started smirking.

"Let's go home!" James yelled happily.


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