Chpater 1 - School

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beep beep beep beep..

I groaned, turning off my alarm. It was already Monday, meaning I have school.

I was just about to close my eyes again and then



that was my annoying twin brother, James. He has to drive me to school because I don't have a car yet, and worst of all, he also has to take the Brooks Brothers too school.


So I should probably tell you a little bit about myself. I am Aria Yammouni, sister of James Yammouni, yes, the 'YouTube sensation' . I only have 3 friends, Megan, Brooke and Yianni, I also have an amazing boyfriend, Jake. Iv been with him for about 2 years now.


That was James, again. I got up out of bed, grabbed my uniform, it was so ugly. The navy blue skirt went to just above my knees, and we had a button up white shirt.

I did my long brown hair into a high pony tail and put on a thin line of eyeliner, some mascara and foundation on.

I walked out my room to the smell of fresh pancakes. I raced downstairs to the kitchen to find mum finishing the last one. I smiled at mum before digging into my pancakes.

James yelled at me again "Hurry up Aria we still have to pick up Jai and Luke!"

oh, did I mention my brothers friends were total dickheads, especially Jai. I hated him with a passion. But as I was saying, James, Beau, Luke, Jai and Daniel make YouTube videos, and their becoming more popular day by day. Even though I hated all them boys, I have to admit, their videos are pretty funny.

I got into the back of the car and it was completely silent, until we got to the Brooks brothers house. Luke got into the passenger seat and Jai say across from me. I looked over and Jai and he was on his phone - like always.

He must have noticed I was staring at him, he looked up at me and winked. I just rolled my eyes.

Luke turned on the radio and California Girls by Katy Perry was playing. I started singing and dancing then once we got to the chores Luke joined in, then James, and eventually Jai caved in and started.

Once we got to school we went out separate ways. I went towards the table where Megan, Brooke and Yianni were talking and laughing. I sat down with them.

After about 15mins, someone put their hands around my eyes, making me jump a bit. It was Jake.

"don't do that again! you scared the shit out of me!"

Everyone just laughed. Jake chuckled and gave me a kiss. I turned around and saw Jai staring right at me. I just ignored him and went back to talking to my friends.


So that was the first chapter, I know pretty boring. but it will get better!

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