Chapter 6 - Movies

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The next few days had passed by quickly and it's now Friday.

It is lunch time now and Megan, Brooke and Yianni are talking about some new movie that's out.

"No! It's going to be scary!" Megan whined.

"No it won't, just come." Brooke said dragging out the 'om' in come. I looked over at Yianni and he looked bored.

"What movie are they talking about?" I asked Yianni.

"Some scary movie, the new Paranormal Activity I think."

Before I could reply Megan had asked "Are you going to come and see it?"

"Um, im not sure, when is it?"

"Tomorrow, 12:25pm it starts."

I didn't have any plans for tomorrow so I just agreed. I'm not really a fan of horror movies, but I can bare with them.

The bell rang to go to our last class. I turned around and I saw Jai staring at me again from his table, he has been staring at me all week? I gave him a small smile and he gave one back. I continued walking till I got to my classroom and took a seat at the back.


I finally got home after a 20 minute walk from school. When I went inside all the boys were already here, like they have been all week. They all seem to be laughing a lot, Beau looked like he was crying because he was laughing so much. I looks at the TV and saw that they started watching Bad Grandpa. Well at least that explains why their laughing so much.

I did a small laugh and walked into the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I may as well make some popcorn while I'm here, I have nothing better to do this afternoon then watch movies with them.

While the popcorn was getting made I scrolled through my Facebook.

The microwave beeped. I got the popcorn out, put it in a small bowl and sat down on the couch in the middle of James and Luke.


By the end of the movie we were all sitting in silence, everyone was on their phone.

"Who wants to come see Paranormal Activity 5 with me tomorrow?" James asks.

Everyone give back an answer shrugging or saying sure.

"What time?" Daniel asked.

I crossed my fingers and bit my lip. Please don't be the same time as me!

"Um, how about 12:15? The only other time is at 10:00pm and I'm not seeing it that late." James replies, clicking his phone off.

Dammit. I sighed. I can only hope that I get there early and don't see them.


I woke up and checked the time on my phone. It's 10:03am. I groaned. I really just wanted to stay in bed all day, but I can't.

Brooke put me, Megan and Yianni all in a groups conversation saying to meet at her house at 11:30.

I only half an hour and a half to get ready, shit.

Figuring I don't really have time to shower, I straightened my hair and put it in a messy bun. I put on some mascara, a thin line of eyeliner and foundation on. I took about 10 minutes until I finally pulled out something to wear, a pair of denim high wasted shorts and a tie dye crop top to wear along with my converses.

I checked the time and it was 11:10. I got ready in just over an hour. Phew, I still have time to walk to her house.

I grabbed my wallet and phone and went downstairs.

I wrote a note for James saying

"Going to Brooke's house, be home by 4:00 x -Aria "


I got to Brooke's house and everyone was already here. The whole way to the movies Megan was complaining about how scared she was and everyone else was just telling her to shut up.

When we got there heaps of people were walking out of the theater. A movie must of just finished.

I spotted Jake and Sarah laughing and holding hands coming out with the bunch of people. Anger came over my body. Just as I was about to run up there and attack Sarah, Yiannk grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"She's not worth it, don't bother." I sighed and looked at them again, they look.. happy. She's probably only using him though.

Sarah must have saw me looking at them because she grabbed him and started kissing him. I stared at them for a few more seconds and just walked inside.

Brooke and Megan hugged me and started wiping away the tears I didn't know were falling.

Brooke was rubbing my back trying to calm me down and was repeating "It's okay" in my ear.

We got the tickets and sat down. I sat on the end next to Yianni. Laughter from 5 boys came into the theater room, and straight away I knew who it was.

"Aria!" Daniel shouted.

Oh god, they have seen me.

"What do you want?" I said as they all walked up and sat next to us. Jai came and sat next to me.

"Come to see the movie." He winked and turned around just as the movie started to play.


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