Chapter 25 - First talk

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We have just under a month until we go back to school, I'm really not looking forward to it.

Mum had texted me, saying she wants to skype me and James at 1:00. I checked the time and it was 12:30, the boys should be here any minute with lunch for me.

Speaking of which, they just came through the door, Luke yelling out in a girly voice "Honey I'm home!" I giggled a little bit.

Daniel passed me my lunch, which was a box of pizza. I grinned to myself, they knew me too well. Jai basically jumped onto the couch next to me with a smirk, looking at me food, then back to me.

"Don't even think about it." I warned him. His smirk grew when he looked up at me with an evil smile.

"You know, we have to share that anyway. I didn't eat lunch." I could tell he was lying, he just wanted more food.

"Liar." I smirked. I grabbed a piece and started eating it. "Mm so good." I said, teasing him.

He rolled his eyes, still with a smirk on his face. Suddenly I felt hands grab me by the waist, I knew what he was going to do. He gave me a teasing look, then started tickling my ribs. I was laughing so much I had tears in my eyes, and I'm pretty sure my pizza was on the floor now.

"Jai.. please.. oh my god! Stop!" I said between breathes of laughter.

His smirk grew, "Say Jai is the sexiest man alive."

Still laughing, I basically screamed out, "No!"

"Say it." He said with a huge smirk, tickling me even more.

"Jai is the sexiest man alive." I mumbled, still laughing.

"Say it louder."

"Jai is the sexiest man alive!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. He stopped tickling me straight away, but he still has that incredibly sexy smirk on his face.

"I win." He smiled to himself, looking proud. The rest of the boys rushed out from the kitchen and looked at the position were in then smirked. Then I looked up to the position we were in and noticed that Jai was straddling me, his legs either side of my thighs, and his hands on my waist. A small blush made it's way to my cheeks.

"What's going on?" Beau asked, with a smirk on his face.

Seriously what's up with these boys and smirking?

Jai awkwardly got off me and I sat up. "Uh, he was tickling me." I softly said, looking at my lap, slightly embarrassed that they heard what I said.

I heard Jai mumbled a 'yeah' then he took a piece of my pizza. I glared at him and he gave me a teasing smile. They all shrugged and sat down, putting on a movie iv never heard about. I checked the time remembering that mum wanted to talk to me and James. It's exactly 1:00 now.

"James, mum wants to Skype us." I said, locking my phone. He nodded and walked up the stairs, me following him behind.

He went into his room and pulled out his MacBook and logged into Skype. I leaned myself back up against the wall and he copied, putting the laptop in the middle of us. Almost instantly mum started calling us, James accepted.

My mothers face popped up on the screen, she actually looked happy. A lot better looking since we last spoke anyway.

"Hey guys! oh my god I miss you so much!" She exclaimed. A smile made it's way onto my face, "Miss you too mum."

We spent about 10 minutes just talking and catching up. Mum then spoke, "Okay guys, I want you to talk to your father." Mum looked nervous, almost afraid.

She looked to her left and motioned her hand to say 'come here.' Now there was a man sitting in front of us, he looked around late 30's, and a lot like James. There was pain in my chest, this was my father, the person who left. I started getting a little angry at the thought, but I didn't want to lash out on him.

He smiled at us, "Hi." He spoke.

"Hi." Me and James said at the same time. We all chuckled then looked at each other. It was a bit awkward.

He groaned, looking like he doesn't really want to be here anymore. He muttered something under his breath but I couldn't make out what it was. I looked at James and I could tell he was getting uncomfortable.

He still wasn't saying anything, I was starting to get angrier. Shouldn't he be asking how we are? How life has been? Our grades? Stuff a normal father should ask.

"Are you going to sit there and stare at us or actually say something?" I blurted out, almost shouting.

He looked taken back by my sudden outburst. "Now honey, be nice." My mother warned.

"She doesn't have to be nice, this man left us and we still don't know why!" James shouted, his face going red.

"Why else do you think? Because of you fucking children ruining my life!" Our dad said. I was shocked, who does he think he is?

"You think we ruined your life? What about us! We had to grow up without a father!" I shouted, tears threatening to fall.

He groaned, "Can I leave now?" He said to my mother. I heard whispering from my mum but I couldn't make out what she was saying. He groaned again and then hung up on us.

I was still staring at the screen, I felt a few tears fall down. James shut his laptop and put an arm around me. 'It's okay' he mumbled, rubbing my arm to comfort me.

"You know what? Fuck him! I don't care!" I said, whipping away my tears. Still feeling angry that he doesn't even care about his own children.

James chuckled lightly, "Good."

I gave him a small smile and put my arm around him, returning the hug.

"Hey James want to - oh." I heard someone say. I pulled away from James and look up to see Daniel. He must have noticed that I have been crying, "Everything okay?" He asked.

I nodded while James said "Yeah." Daniel didn't look convinced but he let it slide. "Want to come play FIFA?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll be down in a sec." James replied. Daniel nodded and closed the door.

"Wanna come with?" James asked, turning to me. I nodded and got up, going downstairs and taking a seat next to Beau.

Jai was sitting on the other couch to my right, I could feel him staring me, so I looked at him. He mouthed 'You okay?' A small smile made it's way onto my face. I nodded. He smiled and turned back to the TV.

I think I'm falling for Jai more.


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