Chapter 7 - Sleepover

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We were about half way through the movie now. Everyone was screaming and jumping besides me. I don't really find horror movies that scary, I normally laugh.

I felt something brush across my leg. I went to flick it away but came in contact with Jai's leg. I look up at him and he smirks at me. I roll my eyes and started watching the movie again.

About 5 minutes later Jai hits his knee onto mine. I hit back - this keeps happening for a while.

I finally snapped. "Can you stop that? I'm trying to watch the movie."

He raised his eyebrows in amusement. "Sure." and winked.

I rolled my eyes and continued watching the movie.


We were all now sitting on the couch talking about how 'scary' the movie was.

"Come on guys, it wasn't that scary."

"Says you! You don't get scared by anything!" Megan said.

"I know." I said, proud of myself.

"It was pretty scary, I was hoping it would be better though." Brooke said.

James busted through the door. "I'm home!" He shouted. Followed in by the rest of the boys.

"The whole neighborhood doesn't have to know, James." Megan says.

They all walked in and sat down on the couch with all their cocky smirks. They all started talking about their next video.

"We should have a sleepover tonight, my parents are away till Monday night." Megan says.

We agreed on going. I went upstairs to pack my things.

I walked back down and everyone was gone but Megan and Brooke.

"Let's go!" Brooke said.

I locked up the house and we started walking to Megan's. It was only about a 10 minute walk from my house which was good.

When we got there I put all my things in her bedroom and went into the lounge room, plopping myself on the couch with a huff.

"Why don't we watch a movie?" Brooke suggests.

"How about Magic Mike? Nothing better then seen Channing Tatum shirtless for half a movie." Megan winked.

Brooke put in the CD while Megan went to get some food.

It was about half way through the movie and Megan's phone goes off. She had a look at the message, smiled and started typing.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Brooke said.

"Oh, nothing. Just a funny photo." Megan replied.

"That wasn't a smile saying you looked at a photo, Megan. That was the type of smile you use when you're talking to a boy!" I said, jumping with joy.

"It's no one." She tried saying without smiling.

"Fine, don't tell us. But we will get it out of you eventually!" Brooke said.

Megan gave us that good luck look.

"So Aria, what about you and Jai huh? Surely there's something going on?" Brooke said, taking a sip from her Coke.

You see, Brooke and Megan always had this theory that me and Jai would get together, crazy right?

"Nothing, I hate him." I say, shoving a handful of popcorn into my mouth.

"You can deny it all you want! But I can see the love you have in your eyes when you look at him." Megan said.

I scoffed. "Yuck, please don't mention Jai and love in the same sentence, or all the food I ate will come back up."

"Oh come on Aria! Admit it!" Brooks says, wriggling her eyebrows.

"Please stop that, it looks creepy."

"Stop trying to change the subject!" Brooke almost shouts in frustration. Why is she so desperate for me and Jai to get together?

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think me and Jai would ever go out. I'd admit he's attractive, that's it. He's a player! He only uses gir-"

"You could change that you know." Megan said, looking serious.

I stuttered. "I, um, I don't think that happen."

They both just mumbled a whatever.

I don't think I would be able to change that. Jai doesn't go for girls like me anyway, and I'm his best friends sister. Even if we were to date, I don't think James would approve. Every boyfriend I've had James had to be that over protective brother and scare them away. Besides Jake, for some reason he liked him.

I wonder if it's true what Jai said, about Jake. He hasn't been cheating on me for the past 2 years has he? He didn't seem like that type of person, but I guess seeing him with Sarah just proves he did at least cheat on me.

"Aria you listening!?" Megan was snapping her fingers in my face.

"Sorry, what?"

She sighed. "Luke texted me asking if we wanted to do a Daresundays with them tomorrow, did you want to go?"

"Uh, sure, if you want to. But if their doing anything that can make me vomit my guts up then don't count me in."

Brooke chuckled. She's always had a strong stomach, she can eat anything and won't puke.

"He said that Beau will pick us up at 11:30." Megan said, smiling.


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