Chapter 22 - Questions

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The past few days have gone quickly. I'v been with Yianni and Brooke, catching up a bit, since we haven't talked much lately.

James just texted me saying to meet at Beau's house for filming. I texted back an 'okay'

"Hey guys." I interrupted Brooke and Yianni's conversation. They both turned to me.

"I have to go meet up with the boys for filming." I said, packing up my stuff.

Brooke raised her eyebrows at me, "You sure your not meeting with Jai." She said in a teasing tone.

"No, I'm going for filming. Bye!" I said, hugging them and walking out the door.

It's a good thing their house was in short walking distance, so I got there I'm about 5 minutes.

I didn't need to knock on the door, as this is like my second home, so I just walked in."Hey guy-" I was stopped mid sentence when I saw Jai on the couch, kissing Megan, and he looked like he was enjoying it.

"What is happening?!" I shouted. They broke away. When Megan saw it was me she cracked a huge smile. I felt my eyes starting to tear up.

"Look Aria, it wasn't what it-" I cut him off, "Yeah what it looks like. That's what everyone says Jai!"

He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off again, "You know what, forget it."

I was about to walk out the door but Luke's voice stopped me, "Hey Aria!"

I turned around and mumbled a 'hey' looking at the ground.

"Megan, what are you doing here?" Luke asked rudely. He looked at Jai, then Megan, and then me, then back to Megan and Jai.

"No." He said under his breathe, "Jai, what the fuck?" He half shouted.

"I'm going to go now, bye Jai!" Megan said, hugging him. The whole way walking up to the door she was staring at me with a huge smile, it was really creepy. She pushed past me and slammed the door shut.

"Can you just let me explain!" Jai yelled back, he looked guilty.

"There is nothing to explain! Aria obviously likes you a lot so why the fuck did you make out with her!" Luke yelled back in disgust. I'm amazed Luke is stepping up for me because we weren't as close.

"She came on to me! And I obviously like Aria back! So why don't you let me explain the whole thing!" Jai shouted back.

That's the second time I have heard Jai say that he likes me now. Normally I would be jumping with joy, but instead I cried more.

"What's going on with all the yelling? I could hear you guys from down the street." Beau said when he walked through the front door.

"Jai hooked up with Megan." Luke said rudely.

"I didn't!" Jai groaned. "You know what, I'm going!" He said, pushing past me and Beau, and slamming the door.

"You okay?" Luke said, wrapping me into a right hug.

"Yeah." I mumbled. But really, I wasn't okay. I had so many questions. Why did Jai kiss her? Should I let him explain? What if he actually had a reason? Does he actually like me?

So much was going through my mind, I didn't realize how much I was crying until I pulled away from Luke, his white shirt now had wet black spots from my make up.

"Sorry about your shirt." I said.

"It's alright, I have heaps others." He gave me a small smile and I returned it.

"Guess we won't be filming now since Jai isn't here." Beau said.

"Guess not." Luke said, then walked to his bedroom.

"I'll just go home. Talk later, bye." I said, walking out the door. Just as I closed the door I heard Beau mumbled 'bye.'

Jai's POV

I wish Aria would let me explain. It was all a misunderstanding. Megan had come over, I tried shutting the door on her but she just walked in. She wouldn't even leave the house.

She was telling me how Aria was no good for me. In all honesty, I think Aria is perfect for me. I'v never felt this way about anyone before.

But as soon as Aria opened front door, Megan smashed her lips onto mine. It was gross.

I'm pretty sure now everyone hates me. I'v tried calling/texting all the boys and Aria, but they won't reply.

I knew what happened between Aria and Megan too. Which made me hate her even more.

I just wish I could explain everything to them.


Another short chapter sorry! But I'm on holidays for 2 weeks so I will be updating more often.

Also, this chapter only has about 10 more chapters left :(

Thankyou for the 1,800 views! xx

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