Chapter 14 - Distant

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Jai's POV

I kissed her, finally. And it felt..right? Iv kissed many girls, but nothing felt like this one. Do I like her? Yes. But can I like her? No.

I'm going to have to keep my distance from her. Thats the only way I can get my mind off her.

Aria's POV

It has been 4 days since I kissed Jai, and he hasn't spoken to me once. I haven't done anything since then either, just sleeping and watching tv.

All the boys, except Jai, have basically been living here since mums not here. Speaking of which, I haven't even heard from her since she told me she's been seeing our dad again. I don't really want to talk to her anyway.

"You okay?" Beau said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, just thinking." I replied with a small smile.

"About Jai?" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes, blushing a bit. "No."

"Sure sure." He smirked. I blushed.

There was a loud knocking from the front door. I got up and opened it and saw Jai, he look horrible, he has bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess. He doesn't even look like he's slept in days.

He glared at me and walked straight in. What's up with him?

I shut the door and sat down on the couch next to Jai, he glanced at me from the corner of his eye and shuffled over a bit.

I sighed. So I guess that was it? I was just a hook up to him and now he's just going to act like I don't even exist.

Half an hour past and no one has spoke, James joined us before but only said hey, no one talked, and you could feel a lot of tension around.

I got a text from Brooke asking if I wanted to go shopping, I replied a yes. She told me she would pick me up at 12:30pm and I agreed to go. It was only 10:25am now so I had heaps of time.

I thought I should tell James I'm going shopping later, so he doesn't get worried when I'm not
home. "James, I'm going shopping at around 12:30." I smiled.

He nodded and next me I heard Jai mumble "Thank god she's going."

"Excuse me?" I said, a bit rudely.

"I said thank god, no one here wants a slut around." He said proudly. I looked at him sadly, I can't believe he said that. He was the one that had be coming on to me for the past few weeks. Why is he acting like this?

He must have seen my face because his face fell, and he looked guilty.

I ran upstairs and heard Beau say to Jai "What the fuck bro?"

I shut my door and laid on my bed. My eyes started watering but I refused to cry, not over Jai.

About 5 minuets later there was a knock on my door I mumbled 'come in' into my pillow.

I heard my door open then close. I look up and saw Beau staring at me with a small smile.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Not really." I mumbled.

He sat on my bed cross legged. "I know why Jai said that, and why he's acting like this."

I turned to look at him. "Why?"

"Because he likes you Aria! But he's trying to avoid it. He thinks James would bash him if he ask you out. He's keeping distance to stop liking you but it's obviously not working." He said.

"How do you know all this?" I asked.

"Well ever since we walked in on you guys having your.." He paused, "Moment. He has locked himself up in his room for days, thinking about you probably. I don't even think he sleeps. So I asked him what was wrong and why he is acting like an asshole to everyone, and he eventually told me."

"Oh.." I mumbled. So Jai does like me? I guess that explains why he has been rude to me. Every boyfriend I have had James would ruin it. Guess that's apart of him being my brother, but it gets annoying.

I looked at the time on my phone and it was 12:00pm. Brooke will be here in half an hour to go to the shops.

"Thanks for telling me Beau, but I have to go get ready now for the shops." I gave him a hug. He smiled and walked out of my room.

Half an hour went by quickly, I heard a car beep and quickly got my purse and my phone. I made my way downstairs, I saw all the boys here now and they looked like they were in a heated conversation.

Jai looked guilty, James and Beau looked angry, Luke looked frustrated and Daniel was just looking bored, like normal.

I mumbled a goodbye and went outside, jumping into the front seat of Brooke's car.

She had a big smile on her face, but her smile fell when she saw me.

"You okay? You don't look so good."

I did a small smile. "Yeah I'm alright, I was just thinking a lot"

She didn't seem convinced but she went along with it.

Hours past and I really needed a drink, so I asked if we could go to get a Boost. We started making our way there but then Megan, Sarah, Jake and their 'possy' walked around the corner with smirks on their faces. Great.


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