Chapter 8 - Fight

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"Come on Aria!" Daniel shouted to me.

"I'll pass." I said.

They were doing the BB gun challenge for Daresundays, and it looks really painful.

Daniel sighed, walking back to the chair. While they were saying goodbye, Brooke whispered to me "You know, Jai's been looking at you all day, I think he likes you" she winked.

I look at Jai and sure enough he is looking at me, but turns away.

"He was probably looking at something else." I whisper back. She gave me that whatever look.


It was the last week of school now for 3 months. I was on Skype with mum last night, we didn't say much, it was just awkward. I got the last book out of my locker, just as I turned around I saw Sarah standing by my locker.

"What do you want?" I hissed.

"I heard you found out about Jake cheating on you, it's about time isn't it? It took you 2 years to find out." She said, smirking.

I rolled my eyes and walked away, I didn't want to talk to her.

She grabbed my arm. "Come on Aria, I was just starting a conversation." She smiled sarcastically at me.

"Well I don't have to have this conversation, so I'm going."

I started walking away again until I heard her yell "Well you move on pretty fast! I always see you with your brothers friend Jai."

I turned around and started walking back to her till I was about 2 meter's in front of her. "I'm not with Jai, and even if I was, why would you care? Jealous maybe?"

I heard people saying 'ohhhh'. I looked around and noticed that we have a crowd around us, people yelling out fight, others recording, their probably expecting a huge cat fight.

And before I knew it, her hand raised, she was centimeters from my face, I pulled back and flinched, waiting for her to slap me, but she didn't. I opened my eyes and saw Jai holding her arm back.

"Leave her alone." Jai said. He sounded pretty angry.

"Aw sticking up for your girlfriend?" She said, putting her arm back down to her sides.

Jai balled his fists "Sarah, Leave." He growled.

She flicked her hair in his face and walked away. I looked back at Jai and he was already looking back at me. He gave a small smile and walked away. Then Megan, Brooke and Yianni were throwing millions of questions at me.

"Guys!" I shouted. "Everything's fine. She started shouting and tried to hit me but Jai stopped her."

They all stopped and looked at me.


"Jai, stopped her?" Megan said raising her eyebrows.

"Uh, yeah. He just told her to leave and she did. No big deal."

"Aria, that is a big deal. He stuck up for you! He so likes you!" Brooke squealed.

"Just because he stopped Sarah from hitting her doesn't really mean Jai likes her." Yianni spoke up.

"Thankyou!" I said, agreeing.

Megan and Brooke rolled their eyes but kept the smirk on their faces.


The bell rang saying it was the end of that day - thank god. I walked out the door and saw Jai standing next to Beau's car.

"Aria! Were going to your house, did you want a lift?"

I nodded and got in the back seat and Jai, Beau and Luke were already in the car waiting.

Once we got to my house I went up to my room to put my bag down. I turned back around and bumped into something hard, like brick wall hard. I look up and Jai was smirking at me. I took a few
steps back.

"Uh, um, sorry I- I didn't know you were there." I stuttered. My face started heating up of embarrassment.

He was still smirking. He walked into my room and sat on my bed.

"What are you doing?"

"Making myself comfortable, come join me." He winked.

I sat down next to him on my bed.

"Thankyou for today." I looked up at him.

His smirked faded into an actual smile, well that's something iv never seen before.

"Anything for you, babe." He winked again and went back to his smirk.

"You know, you should smile more, it looks better then that stupid smirk." I blushed.

"Oh yeah, how about this?" He did a big toothy smile the could probably stretch to both of his ears.

I laughed. "Yeah like that!" and started laughing again. He chuckled and put his arm around my shoulder.


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