Chapter 29 - Birthday

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Aria's POV

My head was laying on something hard, but oddly comfortable. I opened my eyes but got blinded by the light, so I blinked a couple of times to get used to it.

I looked up slightly and saw Jai sleeping, he was breathing very heavily. I picked up my phone from the side of my bed and clicked the home button, it was only just 8.00 now. I closed my eyes, deciding I will go back to sleep for awhile.


I woke up again, for the second time. Being blinded by the light that was shining on my face. I noticed that it was still in the same position as from when I woke up earlier this morning.

I looked up at Jai again he was staring at me with a small smile, he looked like he had just woken up too.

"Good morning." He mumbled while yawning.

I smiled up at him, "Morning."

He leaned down and gave me a small kiss on the nose, then gave a smile.

"What did you want to do today?" I asked, "Just have a movie day?"

He thought about it for a second, "How about we go to a theme park?" He asked.

I looked out the window and saw it would have been a perfect day to go, I agreed to go and started getting ready. I got a pair of high wasted shorts, and a plain black t-shirt. I did my hair in a half-up half-down style and did simple make

up of foundation, powder and mascara.

I packed my bag with a water bottle, gum, my phone and some money for food and the train. I walked downstairs to where Jai was, when I saw him I smiled, "I'm ready."

"Alright." Jai said while getting up, he looked at me up and down and smiled, "You look great."

I smiled, "Thankyou." He walked out the door and I followed. It was a good thing we lived close to the city, everything was in walking distance. We walked to the train station holding hands the whole time, enjoying each other's company.


Today was great at the theme park, we went on almost all the rides, and Jai bought me a cute teddy bear. Now I'm at home, laying on my bed, on my laptop, trying to get this present for Jai. It's his birthday tomorrow and I want to give him an amazing birthday present.

I screamed a little when I saw the words, 'Congratulations on your purchase.' Jai is going to love this present.

~The next day~

James and I are leaving to go to Jai's house in about 5 minutes for his birthday. I was waiting for the printer to finish printing off the sheet of paper, which says what I got him for his birthday.

"Is it done yet?" James asked impatiently. I grabbed the piece of paper and turned around, "Is now, let's go."

James drove to the boys house, once we got there all the boys were already here. James walked up to Jai and gave him one of those man hugs.

Jai came up to me and I instantly hugged him, "Happy birthday!" I half shouted into his chest. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek then looked at him. He was pouting, "That's all I got?" He asked in a teasing tone. I rolled my eyes, knowing what he wanted. I leaned in and kissed his lips, he put one hand on my jaw and the other was on my waist. Our mouths were moving in perfect sinc, forgetting everyone else was in the room, until I heard the camera click sound from a phone. I pulled away and saw Luke giving us a cheeky smile, then heard James say "Gross."

I walked over and sat on the couch, Jai followed and sat next to me, then grabbed my hand. "I have something for you." I smiled.

"Like what?" He asked.

"This." I pulled out the piece of paper from my pocket, he let go of my hand and took it. I watched his face as he read the piece of paper.


I grabbed the piece of paper she gave me. I'm a little confused, it's only paper? I started reading it, I saw the 'Congratulations on your purchase' part, still confused, I kept reading on.

I saw the table with writing in it and had a look, 2 tickets for Green Day. Wait, did I read that right? I read it again and again, "Oh my god." I said, shocked. "You got me Green Day tickets!?" I half shouted. "Oh my god I love-" I paused, nearly saying the wrong thing, "..I love it. Thankyou so much!" I gave her kiss, not letting for about 5 seconds.

"Welcome. You can take whoever you like, thats why I got you 2" She smiled. Of course I'm going to take Aria, she's the one who bought them, "I'm taking you." I smiled, kissing her again.

"You sure? I bought them so you can take your friend or something." She replied.

"Of course I'm taking you silly!" I poked her nose, "You bought them!" She laughed, "Well thankyou, I'm glad you like it."



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