Chapter 15 - Feelings

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I sighed. They walked right up to us and stopped.

"Well well well, who do we have here." Sarah said, smirking still.

"It's Aria and Brooke, now if you excuse us, we will be going." I said, I was walking away until I heard Megan say in a little girls voice "Probably back to her little boyfriend Jai."

They all giggled, I scoffed and turned around. "Really? Were not even together." I stated.

Megan walked up closer to me, there was only small distance between us now. I looked back at Jake and he seemed like he was in his own world, he didn't look bothered about what's going on.

Megan kept the smirk on her face "Well if guys aren't together, then that means I can have him, right?"
She kept her innocent face on.

Then I did something I never thought I would do, I slapped her, right in the face. I sad shocked, I don't know why I did it, just felt like it was needed.

She mumbled "You bitch." rubbing her cheek. Next thing I notice I am on the floor, wrestling with Megan.

There were lots of names thrown around, hair pulling, slapping etc. I felt someone wrap their arms around me and pull me away, I saw Jake doing the same to Megan.

I turned around to see who pulled me away from the fight. I came face to face with Jai, he had a look of confusion and worry all over his face-he was still holding my waist.

I snapped back into reality and moved away from him. I looked over to Megan, her face was already bruising, he had some scratches on her, her hair and make up was a mess, and she was crying, Sarah and all the other girls were trying to comfort her.

I smirked knowing that I had won that fight. I turned back around to Jai, "Why are you here?"

He turned to look at me,"Getting food." He said, walking away to maccas. I shrugged and kept walking.

I looked back and Brooke and she had a huge smile on her face.

"You made her cry." She said, looking proud of me.

I smiled back "I did."

The rest of the day we were just shopping, talking about Megan and Sarah, and buying stuff.


I was watching some cooking show, pretty boring I know but there's nothing else on tv.

My phone buzzed, I had a look and it was a message from mum, 'Go on Skype, bring James. I'll tell you why iv been with your father.' It said.

I replied with an 'okay.' and walked up to James's room, he's playing FIFA I think.

"Mum wants to Skype, she's telling us why she's with dad." I said then walked out of his room. I set up my laptop on my bed and signed into Skype. James finally came in my room and sat on my bed and sighed.

It started ringing and mum answered straight away. She had a nervous smile on her face. After saying hey and catching up, she said "So guys, I need to tell you why I have come to England for your dad." She looked down at her lap.

We both didn't speak so she can continue. "Your dad, and the Brooks brothers dad went to the army together, they both made it out alive, but never came back home. They are both currently really short on money to pay for their house, so they have been dealing drugs to get the money. I'm here helping them get a job." She looked up at us.

"How come he didn't come back to us?" James asked, getting angry.

"He though having a family was too much to handle, so he gave up on us.." She trailed off. "But he wants be with us now, and start over"

I sighed. My laptop flashed saying it only had 10% left. "Mum, my laptops about to die, I'll talk later. Bye love you"

Just after she said bye I hung up and plugged in my laptop. James was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling.

I sat on the edge of my bed next to him. "You know as much as I don't want to, were going to have to talk to him eventfully."

James looked at me then back up to the ceiling and groaned "I know."

I bent down and hugged him awkwardly, he chuckled and hugged me back. After I let go I gave him a small smile.

"I'm going to go make some dinner." I said, and went downstairs to start cooking some dinner.

Jai's POV

I was laying on my bed doing a follow spree on twitter, I haven't done one in ages.

Luke walked in the room, changed his shirt then looked at me. I looked back up at him. "What?"

"What's up with you?" He asked, rudely.

"Nothing." I mumbled. Truth is, iv been trying to figure out my feelings for Aria. Whenever I'm not with her I miss her, whenever I'm with her I get this weird feeling in my stomach, like I'm about to vomit..but in a good way.

I didn't notice Luke had sat down on my bed, he was staring at me. I looked at him confused.

"Do you like Aria?" He said, with a slight smirk on his face.

I stuttered, "I-uh-w-what no."

His smirk grew. "You do, it's pretty obvious though. But really, you need to talk to her or something, every since your little moment last week, she's been exactly the same as you."

I just stared at him, since when does he care?

"I care because Aria is like my sister, Jai. You can't be fooling around with her like that."

Shit, I said that out loud. I groaned. "Okay, just leave me alone." I said, rolling over.

He walked to the door and stopped. "You need to stop being an asshole to her, too. Talk to her." And he walked out.


Yes I know about the Brooks Brothers dad. This is a fanfiction, remember that.

also, thanks for the 900 views! xx

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