Chapter 10 - Coming out

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It's Wednesday, the first week of the holidays. After what happened with Jai that afternoon, iv basically locked myself up in my room. Too scared to go out and see him again, even though I do want to see him again.

My phone started blasting the song 'My Nigga' which is Yianni's ring tone. I answered.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Hey, nothing. Did you want to go to the shops with me today? We haven't had a massive DNM in agess!" Yianni asked.

It's true. We used to always have huge DNM's, but we hardly do anymore though. Guess I have been caught up in so much drama lately.

I agreed to go because I needed some new clothes for the summer. He told me he will be picking me up at around 12:30, which means I have about 2 hours to get ready.

I got changed into bright pink shorts and a black crop top, seeing as it was really hot outside. I did my hair in a high pony tail with a little bit of hair coming out from the sides near my ears. I decided to go light in my make up today, so I put on light foundation and some
mascara. I put on my converses and went downstairs.

I checked the time on my phone and it was 12:25. I had a text from Yianni saying the he has left to come pick me up. I had texted James telling him I will be home by 6:00.

I heard a car beep, I went outside and it was Yianni.

"Hey" He smiled and gave me
a hug.

I returned the hug and said hey.


We were in city beach now looking at some shorts that I could buy. I have bought a couple of new shirts and one pair of shorts.

"Aria, I need to tell you something. Can we go sit down somewhere?" He had many different emotions on his face. Fear, Nervous and serious.

Iv never really seen him like this. I nodded and we left. We got some KFC, when we finished our food Yianni looked at me with those emotions in his face again.

"Aria.." He said.

"Yeah?" I said, confused of what's happening.

"I-I" He stuttered "I think I'm gay." He looked like a whole weight just came off his shoulders. He repeated it again "I'm gay."

Those words circled my mind for a second. I 100% support gay people. But I never thought Yianni would turn out gay, he's been with heaps of girls and could probably get any girl he wanted.

I just smiled at him. "I totally support that, plus, I now have a gay best friend!" I said happily.

He chuckled. "Just don't tell anyone please, if I want more people to know then I'll tell them."

"That's fine. So, tell me, how did you find out?" I asked.

"Well iv been thinking about it for the past few months actually. I haven't even kissed a girl in ages because of it. I have just been looking at guys more and all that."

Yianni had a bit of a reputation at our school, he would go to parties most weekends and hook up with a lot of girls. I must say, I am proud of him for coming out. It would be pretty hard.


Jai's POV

I have been really distant from everyone lately - especially Aria. Ever since that afternoon iv been thinking a lot.

I almost kissed her, and I don't know why. Maybe it was just in the heat of the moment? I don't know. But I know I can't have feelings for her, that would be pretty weird, she's my best mates sister, James would probably kill me if he found out any of this.

"Oi Jai!" Beau said walking into my room.

"What?" I said, annoyed that he had stopped me from thinking about Aria. Wait, what?

"James is throwing a party tonight, you coming?" He asked, grabbing a remote to play FIFA with me.

"Uh, yeah sure." I agreed. I need to get out of the house and maybe I will see Aria.

He nodded and we continued playing FIFA.


Aria's POV

I got home pretty early, after what Yianni had told me, we were pretty tired so we came home.

I walked in the door and James was setting up a table and I saw his DJ set on the side.

"What's this for?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I'm having a party tonight. It starts at 8:30." He said not looking up from his DJ set.

I looked at the time and it was only 3:28. Thank god I have time to get ready. I nodded and walked up the stairs to find something to wear.


This was just a filler chapter. But does anyone actually like
my story? If you do please comment! I want to know if I should keep going with it.

Also shoutout to Herqueenmajesty for my new book cover!

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