Chapter 17 - Save me

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"Put her down now!" Jai yelled again, almost loosing his patience.

The guy behind me laughed loudly. I felt the vibration on my back, I was pretty uncomfortable.

"Tristan, come on man, just leave her alone." Beau said calmly. How does Beau know him? They other boys just looked at him, just as confused as I am. Beau just sighed, meaning that he will explain later,

Jai walked up closer. "Let her go now!" He yelled. I could tell Tristan would be smirking.

Jai punched him, I fell to the floor and watched them. Luke and Beau were trying to pull them apart, tears wouldn't stop falling.

"This isn't over." Tristan said getting up and running away.

Jai got up from the ground and picked me up bridal style, he whispered "It's okay, I got you." in my ear. I was crying too much to reply.

The whole way back home everyone was silent, a stopped crying but a few tears still fell.

When we parked in my drive way Jai came around to pick me up again. "No Jai, it's fine." I said getting up from the seat. He gave me a sad smile.

His face and knuckles were starting to bruise and he had a few scratches on him.

"Thanks for helping me guys, I own you one." I said, walking inside my house. Beau and Luke gave a small smile and mumbled a welcome, but Jai stayed silent and only stared at me.

I walked back inside, once I got up the stairs I bumped into James.

"Where have you been?" He asked worriedly.

I stuttered. "I was uh, with Yianni still, he needed to talk to me."

James mumbled an 'Okay' but he didn't seem convinced. I went into my bedroom, face planted into my bed and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up feeling like absolute crap. So I took a shower to refresh myself. I got changed into a pair of bike pants and an oversized jumper. I had put my hair into a messy bun and walked downstairs.

"Hey Aria, wanna film for us today?" Daniel asked when I sat down on the couch.

I gave him a small smile "Sure."

"Everyone will be here in about 5." James said walking out of the kitchen.

I nodded and watched tv. Exactly 5 minuets later Luke barged through the door and said in a high pitched girly voice "Honey I'm home!"

I chuckled. Luke does that all the time. Beau and Jai walked in, mumbled a 'hey' and sat down on the couch- but Jai avoided all eye contact with me.

"So what are you guys filming today?" I asked to make a conversation. Jai glanced at me from the corner of his eye then pulled out his phone.

"Question and Answer 4, let's go now guys." Beau said.

I nodded and got the camera off Luke.

"Wait guys, there's 6 people, 5 seats, how will he all fit?" I asked, this felt like deje vu.

"Let's just walk." Jai said, putting his phone in his pocket and walking out the door.

Everyone looked at each other and shrugged.

When we were almost at the park I looked up and Luke and Jai walking in front of us, they looked like they were in a pretty heated conversation. Luke looked really angry, Jai looked kinda guilty.

I sighed and set up the camera where the old park bench used to be and all the boys sat down.

I counted down from 3 with my fingers. I pointed to them and clicked play on the camera.

Throughout the whole video Jai kept glancing at me from the corner of his eye, and Luke kept looking at me, as if I was going to get kidnapped, again-almost.

I finished packing up the camera, I was about to start walking home until I felt someone grab onto arm.

I turned around and saw Jai.

"Can I talk to you?"


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