Chapter 16 - Help

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Aria POV

Days have passed and all I have done is eat and watch TV-which is what I'm doing right now.

I decided to text Yianni, asking if he wanted to go to the park or something. He replied seconds later 'Thank god you asked, I'm bored. I'll meet at yours in 15.'

I pushed off my blankets and went to get changed. Since it was a cold day, I decided I will wear a pair of leggings and a jumper. So I went into James's room and grabbed a plain white jumper, went back into my room and got changed.

There was a knock at my door, I quickly went downstairs and opened the door.

"Hey." Yianni said with a huge smile.

I returned the smile "Hey."

He linked arms with me and we started walking to the park. Once we got there we sat down on the chair.

"Aria.." He paused, I looked up at him, waiting for him to continue, "I think I'm in love with a guy."

I was shocked and happy for him at the same time. "Who is it? How do you know that you love him?" I asked.

"You know Sam Williams? We were at a party last week, both sober, and, uh, yeah. It escalated from there." He scratched the back of his neck.

Sam Williams was I guess you could call it the 'school jock'. He was extremely attractive. He had dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, an amazing body. He was the caption for the soccer team, so he was really popular too. But you wouldn't think he was gay, he had girls throwing themselves at him.

"Really?" I asked, shocked that out of everyone, it would be Sam.

He mumbled a 'yeah.' I smiled at him. "Well I totally support you decisions, also, I think you guys would make a cute couple."

"Thankyou." He said. We sat in silence for a couple of minutes. "Look." He pointed in front of him. I looked up to where he was pointing and it was Megan, swinging on the swing. She looked up at us, gave us a small smile then look away.

I looked back at Yianni and he shrugged.

"Hey look, it's getting pretty late, I should get going. I'll see you later, bye!" Yianni said, hugging me awkwardly from the side.

"Bye." I mumbled against him. He walked away and I was just sitting there, lonely. I looked up to see if Megan was still sitting there but she's gone now.

I sighed. It's getting kinda dark, I should probably get going home too. I got up and started to walk, but someone wrapped the hand over my mouth.

I tried to scream, but I couldn't, no one would be able to hear me. No one was even around anymore. I was struggling to get out of his grasp.

"Stop moving." He groaned under his breath. Soon I was starting to give up, it was getting harder for me to move.

"Stop!" I heard from a distance. I was whipped around and saw 3 figures standing there.

"Leave her alone." One of them called, he sounded a lot like Jai.

They came closer and I could seem them all now. They looked scared and angry. Jai looked at me, his face softened for a second, but then he focused back to the guy who was trying to kidnapped me.

"Put her down now." Jai said.


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