Chapter 26 - Beach

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I got a text this morning from Jai asking if me and Brooke wanted to go the beach with the boys today, and we instantly replied with a 'yes.'

It was warm-ish today and the sun was out, so I'm hoping I can get a bit of a tan. I let my hair down today and was make up free. I'm wearing a floral bikini underneath a plain black play suit. I grabbed my bag, which had my phone, water bottle, sun screen etc. in it.

"Let's go!" I said happily, putting my sunglasses on. I haven't been to the beach in so long so I was pretty excited. Brooke jumped off my bed and ran downstairs, I laughed at how excited she was.

I walked downstairs and saw all the boys here, the first person I noticed was Jai because he was already staring at me. He was wearing a loose singlet and shorts, and a stupid smirk.

'But you like it' my inner thoughts told me. Shrugging that off I smiled up at everyone, then Beau said "You ready?" I nodded and everyone started walking out the door.

We had to take 2 cars, I got in the car with Brooke, James and Jai, the rest of the boys drove the other one.

Once James turned the car on, Starships by Nicki Minaj started playing. Me and Brooke looked at each other with an evil smile, knowing that were going to annoy the boys.

We started singing really loudly, and really bad, of course. You could tell on the boys faces that they were getting annoyed, I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing, but it didn't really work. I heard James groan and turn up the music a bit, probably hoping he wouldn't be able to hear us, when it actually made us sing louder.

I could see Jai staring at me from the review mirror, he looked like he was holding back a laugh. I giggled a little and continued singing, then I heard him singing really loudly. Me and Brooke laughed seeing James groan.

James turned off the music and smiled to himself, I heard Jai gasp, "How dare you!" He acted hurt, putting a hand on his heart. I laughed lightly at him. Then he looked at me in the review mirror and smirked. I blushed and looked away.

Minutes later we arrived at the beach, I saw Beau's car park next to ours. Everyone got out of their cars and Luke shouted, "Race you to the beach Jai!" next thing I noticed Jai pushed past me and started sprinting towards the beach.

I laughed at how stupid they looked, they started pushing each other over and fighting in the sand.

I walked over to a good spot in sun, grabbed one if the towels Daniel had brought and layed it down nearly on the sand- I saw Brooke do the same.

"You going in the water?" Jai asked us.

"No." I replied, I didn't really feel like swimming, it would probably be cold anyway. He smirked us as if he had an evil plan, which he probably did.

"Guys were going for ice cream, wanna come?" James asked.

"Yes I'm coming!" Brooke shouted. She really loves her ice cream.

James looked over to me and Jai, "How about you?"

I looked at Jai and he was already looking at me, I was about to answer yes, but Jai cut me off, "No, we will stay." He smiled back up to James.

James nodded and ran off to get ice cream with Brooke and all the other boys.

I turned around to Jai and said, "What the hell? I wanted ice cream!" I pouted.

He didn't say anything, only smirked. He took off his shirt, revealing his body. I couldn't stop my eyes from looking down at his stomach- well, abs. And they were hot.

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