Chapter 3 - Caught

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I woke up to 5 boys jumping on my bed. What the hell are they doing here?

"Come on Aria, your coming with us too film for daresundays." James said. Seriously? I'm really not in the mood to go out today.

"Do I have too?" I whined.

They all said yes, at the same time, well that was odd. I have them a funny look and they just laughed.

"Guys, please get off me, you're a lot heavier then you look." They all chuckled and left the room, besides Luke.

"Also, were leaving in half an hour" He winked and walked out. Why couldn't they have at least woke me up earlier? I need more time then half an hour to get ready!

I got up and walked to my closest, it was a nice day today. So I got into a pair of denim high pants and a black crop top. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on some mascara, a thin line of eyeliner on and light foundation. I grabbed my black converses and phone then walked downstairs.

I sat on the couch and started to put my shoes on, then Jai said "Took you long enough."

I rolled my eyes and checked the time, I had only taken 25 minutes to get ready! "I only took 25 minutes, Jai."

He just stared at me for a good 5 seconds then started typing on his phone.

"Let's go!" Beau said getting up to get his keys.

"Wait" I paused. Everyone looked back at me. "There's 6 of us, and 5 seats in the car, where am I going to sit?"

Daniel looked like he was about to say something but Jai said something first. "You could always sit on my lap, I don't bite, unless you want me to" he said with a wink. I am not sitting on Jai's lap, I can hardly stand being in the same room as him.

All the boys just nodded and walked out. I walked out slowly and Jai was already sitting in the back seat waiting for me. So he was being serious? I just sighed and sat on his lap. I didn't want to start fighting with them.

Jai smirked at me and put his arm around my waist. "Do you mind? I have a boyfriend you know."

His smirk turned into a slight frown and he nodded, taking his hand off my waist. There must be something wrong with him lately, he didn't even give me a smartass comment back? This is really unusual.

It was an awkward silence for a few minutes until Beau said "We have to go get the jam doughnuts and pie's first."

Everyone nodded. Once we got to the shops and started making our way to the bakery, Daniel stopped dead in his tracks.

James asked "Why'd you stop?"

Daniel looked a bit worried, he turned to face me and said "Uh Aria, isn't that Jake over there?" I looked to where he was pointing and it was Jake, with Sarah. He was holding hands with her and she was blushing.

Sarah is probably the biggest slut in town, she's with a new guy almost every night and she absolutely hates me for some unknown reason.

I started to feel my eyes water. Is he cheating on me? Especially with her? James came up and hugged me and wiped my tears away.

I pushed James away and walked up to Jake and slapped him in the face, hard.

"I can't believe this! 2 years and you do this? Were over Jake!" I shouted at him. He looked shocked.

"Wait! Aria I can exp-" I cut him off.

"There's no need for explaining." And with that, I walked away. All the boys looked shocked. Probably because I slapped him. They all hugged me. Even Jai? He was the first one to hug me. There is defiantly something here.


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