Chapter 28 - Confessions

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I stared at him wide eyed. Did I hear him right?

"Um" I couldn't even get any words out. I didn't even think he would ask that.

"Look, if you don't want to that's okay, I understand bu-" I cut him off


"What?" He looked surprised.

"Yes I will be your girlfriend." I smiled.

His face lit up with a huge smile, but then dropped a little, "How will we tell James?"

I sighed, I didn't really know how I could tell James. He might kill Jai, or be happy for us. "I don't know" I trailed off, looking down.

"We will do it when you feel comfortable with it." He smiled. I smiled back and mumbled a 'thankyou.'

About an hour has passed and we have just been talking. We shared a plate of hot chips for lunch. It's around 2:00pm now, so were heading home to tell everyone the 'news.' We talked about it over lunch and thought it would be best to just tell everyone.

We arrived home about 10minutes later, luckily the boys were already here. I got out the car and Jai walked over and grabbed my hand. Jai was walking in front of me, pulling me along, but we were still holding hands.

The door was unlocked so we just walked straight in. Everyone turned around and looked at us as if we had killed 20 people, they looked down at our hands and looked back up to our faces with a huge smile.

"Does this mean you guys are together?" Beau shouted excitedly.

Jai looked down at me and smiled, "Yeah, we are." He said still smiling at me.

"Oh my god! Awwwwww!" Luke ran up and hugged us. I laughed and hugged him back. Daniel came up and shook Jai's hand and said, "Congrats bro." With a smile. James came up to us smiling, but it looked forced, "I'm happy for you too." He mumbled.

I just gave a small smile back, knowing that he probably doesn't like it.

"Want to go out for an early dinner? To celebrate!" Beau eagerly asked. Everyone agreed to go, so I ran upstairs to get ready.

Jai's POV

Aria went upstairs to get ready for dinner, so all of us boys were just sitting on the couch talking about where were gonna go. I wasn't really paying attention, I think were going to a new chinese restaurant, apparently it's really good.

"So you and Aria?" Daniel said, wiggling his eyebrows.

I smiled to myself, "Yeah."

"You hurt her and I will murder you." James protectively said, with a serious tone.

"I don't plan on it." I said, still smiling. James nodded in response.

"Gonna get in there" Beau winked. I blushed, I don't plan on having sex with Aria unless she wants too, I don't want to pressure her into anything.

"Don't even think about that." James replied back instantly. Before I could say anything Aria walked down the stairs. She looked beautiful, she was wearing leggings with all sort of things on them, and a shirt that's slightly too big for her, it looked like a concert shirt. Her hair was up in a pony tail and it looks like she had put on a little bit more make up, even though she doesn't need it.

She sat down next to me and I grabbed her hand and whispered in her ear, "You look beautiful." She blushed and mumbled a 'thankyou.'

"Where are we going for dinner?" Aria asked.

"That new chinese restaurant down the road." James replied. Aria nodded, she then stood up and and said, "Let's go!"

We all got up and walked out the door, but Aria stopped, "Wait," She paused, "There's 6 of us, how are we going to get there?" She asked.

I instantly remembered of that day we went to film and she said that exact same thing, so I replied back with, "You can always sit on my
lap." And winked at her. She blushed a little and laughed.

Everyone got in the car and she sat on my lap, I put my arm around her waist and this time, she didn't fight back, but then again she doesn't have a boyfriend.

Wait, yes she does.

About 15 minutes later we arrived at the chinese restaurant. We all sat down and just started talking, Beau was making jokes but they weren't funny- as usual.

An hour passed and we all have eaten, everyone is now complaining about how full they are.

"Guys." Beau said, waiting to get everyone's attention. Once everyone was looking at him, he continued, "I have a girlfriend now, her name is Sara." He smiled from ear to ear.

"What? How long for? How come you never told us? Beau!" Daniel asked. "You ditched me." He pouted and pretended to look sad, I chuckled at their bromance.

"Sorry babe. And we have been together for about 2 months now, we wanted to keep it a secret from fans and all but yeah." Beau finished off.

"Wow," Aria chuckled, "Congrats Beau." She smiled.

After everyone said their 'congrats' and all we decided to leave. We all decided to stay the night at James's house, since it was already a little late.

When we got home Aria left to have a shower, I took off my shirt and climbed into her bed, already feeling tired.

Aria walked back into the room wearing poka dot shorts and a black singlet. "What are you doing?" She chuckled.

"I'm tired." I mumbled, "Come here." I opened my arms and she climbed in bed next to me. The light was dimmed so it lit up her room a tiny bit.

I looked down at her and she was already looking at me. I smiled and kissed her on the lips and mumbled into her head, "Goodnight beautiful." I heard her whisper, "Goodnight." Minutes later I could hear her breathing heavily, so she was asleep. Not too long after, I had fallen asleep, with the most amazing girl in my arms.


awwww their finally together :')

sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I was going to do it a few days ago but got sick :((

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love you all☺️ xx

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