Chapter 5 - Goodbye

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Jai's POV

I feel something on my shoulder,
I look to my left and see Aria has fallen asleep on me. She looks so adorable- no. Snap out of it Jai, you shouldn't be thinking about that.

I take another look at her and I can't help but smile. I look around and everyone is asleep except me.

I picked up Aria bridal style and carried her up to her room. I took off her shoes and I pulled the blanket over her. I whispered a 'goodnight' and kissed her forehead.

I don't know why I did that, but it felt right.

I walked back downstairs and fell asleep on the couch.


Aria's POV

I woke up, realizing I'm in my bedroom. How did I get in here? I'm sure I fell asleep on the couch last night. I checked the time on my phone and it read 9:07am.

I stretched and got up. When I got about half way down the stairs I could smell bacon. Walking past the lounge room and seeing the boys still sleeping, except Jai? I walk into the kitchen expecting mum to be cooking so I mumbled a 'good morning mum' and made my way to the fridge.

"I'm not your mum, Aria."

I turn around and see a half naked smirking Jai standing in front of me. You could tell he just woke up because he voice is still cracking a bit, he had his messy bed hair and he was wearing nothing but sweat pants. My eyes traveled down to his perfectly defined abs.

"Are you checking me out?"

"I-uh-um." I blushed.

"You're blushing." he walked closer to me till he was about a meter in front of me. We were staring into each other's eyes until we heard someone clearing their throat.

Beau was standing at the door with an amused look on his face.
"Am I ruining something here?" he lifts up his eyebrows and looks at us.

"Uh, no. I just was getting a drink." I said turning back into the fridge grabbing out a water bottle.

"And uh, I was just cooking some breakfast."

"Can you make me some? I'm so hungry." Beau said, dragging out the 'so'.

Jai just nodded and went back to cooking.

I went to the couch and laid back. Everyone was now awake and were watching tv.

Mum walked in, reminding us that she will be leaving at 2:20 this afternoon. I sighed. When mum leaves I'm basically going to be living here by myself, James is out all the time with his friends.


It's 12:45 now and mum is leaving at 1:00. For some reason you have to get to the airport an hour and a half before the plane takes off.

Mum was now giving us her last lecture about being safe and behaving.

I realized I had zoned out because mum was yelling at me and snapping her fingers in my face.

"Are you even listening to me Aria! I'm leaving in 10 minutes and your not paying attention to me!"

I mumbled a sorry. She hugged James and said "Look after Aria, you can't just be running off with your friends and leave her alone." She then pulled me into a hug "Try and not get into to much trouble. I will be making a skype so we can talk."

She pulled away "I'll miss you guys so much!" She gave us one last hug and walked out the door crying, she shouted "I love you" too us and got into the taxi.

James walked back to the couch and i followed him.

The rest of the day was boring, we were just watching movies. Not really talking. I guess were both still upset about mum leaving. These next few months are going to be hard.


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