Chapter 11 - Party

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I checked my phone and it was 5:00PM. I have been helping James set up for the party. To be honest I'm quite amazed that this is our first party since mum has been gone, it's been almost 4 weeks since she left and we have only skyped and texted a few times. It's hard with these timezones.

"Hey Aria! Can you help me
move the coffee table and couch?" James shouted from the lounge room.

I just replied with a 'sure'. We moved the table and couch to corner so we have a huge dance floor now.

"Daniel texted saying the boys will be over at 6 with food, did you want anything?" James asked looking up from his phone.

I paused for a bit, thinking if I want food or not. "Maybe not, I really need to start getting ready, so I'll be down later."

He nodded and I ran upstairs and into my bedroom. I quickly checked the time again and it was 5:09PM. Just enough time to get ready.

I have been looking for something to wear for the past 10 minuets. I groan in frustration. I really need new clothes. I had one last look and just before I was about to give up, I found my red dress. It went to mid thigh, it was a right dress and had short sleeves. Perfect. I thought.

Once I put my dress on, I straightened my hair so it reached down just before my hips. I got out my make up bag and started going through all the different colours. I decided to go for a smokey brown look for my eye shadow and mascara, making my eyes pop. I also put on foundation and bright red lipstick.

I grabbed my red high heels to go with my dress. I checked the time
on my phone and it was 7:30. Wow, I took awhile to get ready.

As soon as I opened my bedroom door I heard laughter coming from downstairs. When I got to the bottom of the stairs all the boys stopped their conversations and just stared at me with their mouths open.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked, fixing up my lipstick.

"No.." Beau started

"You look.." Luke said

"Amazing." Daniel said.

I blushed. "Oh um thankyou. You guys look good yourselves."

They really did, they were all wearing jeans, Beau and Daniel wearing a single, Luke was wearing a button up shirt and James was wearing just a plain black shirt. I noticed that Jai wasn't here.

"Where's Jai?" I asked.

"The bathroom." Luke said simply.

I nodded. I walked into the kitchen and got a cup of water, when finished I slaked back out to the boys and this time Jai was there.

He was staring at me, with his mouth open.

Jai's POV

I couldn't help but stare at her. She looked amazing- no, more then amazing. Words can't even describe it.

I didn't realize I had been staring at her this whole time until she was right in front of me.

"Close your mouth, you don't want to catch flies." She giggled.

That giggle. I winked at her and she blushed. Wait, what am I doing? I shouldn't be like this.
I'm not supposed to like her.


Aria's POV

I have had a few drinks of vodka tonight and I'm a bit tipsy, but not drunk.

Heaps of people had turned up to the party, probably over 200 people. I never knew our house could even fit this many people.

I saw Jai walking up to me with a beer in his hand.

"Hey uh, can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck.

Before I could reply a girl had come up to us.

"Are you guys together?" She asked. She looked really familiar.

"No!" Me and Jai shouted at the same time. He looked over at me and smirked. I rolled my eyes and focused back on the girl.

"Oh okay, well you guys would make a really cute couple!" She said with a giggle at the end. She must have been drunk.

Jai scratched the back of his neck again nervously. He mumbled a thankyou.

"I'm Izi! but I have to go now and find my friend, bye!" She said a little too happy.

I turned to face Jai and he was already looking at me.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked.

"Uh, don't worry about it now. I'll see you later." He smiled and walked away.

Jai's POV

I should have told her. I shouldn't have backed away.

I was sitting by myself just having a drink of beer, thinking. I looked over at Aria and she was dancing to the song #Selfie. I laugh at how stupid she looked, but it was cute.

Someone stopped the music and spoke through the microphone saying "This song goes to all you lovers out there." winked and started playing All of me by John Legend

I looked at Aria and she was pouting. I got up from my seat and walked over to her.

"May I have this dance?" I asked, trying to sound posh.

She giggled and wrapped her hands around my neck and I put my hands around her waist.

Throughout the whole dance we were looking into each other's eyes. I leaned in a bit so our noses were touching, I stayed there for a second and I started to lean in more, our lips brushed.

Just as I was about to go for it, that Izi chick came up "Hey guys!" She said with a huge smile on her face. I groaned. So close, again. I scratch my neck awkwardly and mumbled a hey. Aria was blushing.


(still Jai POV)

It's almost 1 in the morning and most people have gone now. Aria was really drunk now. She started breaking stuff now so I walked up to her, grabbed her hand and pulled her upstairs to her bedroom.

She was giggling the whole way there.

"Come on, you need sleep."

She nodded and got into bed, closing her eyes. I started to walk out until I heard her say


"What, uh, are you sure?" I said.

"Yeah." She said with a smile on her face.

I took off my shirt and got in bed with her, I wrapped my arms around my waist and she had her hands on my chest. She fell asleep within minuets.

And that was the night I went to sleep with Aria in my arms.


Sorry for the long chapter!

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