Chapter 32 - Goodbye

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~2 months later~

My plane flight leaves at 10:00am to go to England. Both me and James have packed everything we needed. Luckily someone had bought our house too.

These past 2 months have been really rough. We didn't go to school, me and Jai have been fighting a lot over this- speaking of which, last night, we had the biggest fight ever.

We were cuddling in bed just talking, he brought up the subject of me moving today, and well, it escalated from there. We haven't spoken since, hopefully he comes to the airport to say bye though, we may not be in talking but he could at least say bye, right?

I got a text from the group conversation with me, Yianni and Brooke in it. Yianni said that they will both be meeting us at the airport.

"Hey, you ready to go?" James asked sadly. I nodded, grabbing my suitcases and dragged them downstairs.

"The boys said they will meet us at the airport too." He adds on once we got down the stairs. I nodded again, not really wanting to speak.

James must have noticed how sad I am, he came up and gave me a huge hug and mumbled "Everything will be okay."

I let a few tears fall, but wiped them away straight away. I was really not ready to leave this place.

There was a beep from out the front, that would be our taxi. "Here we go." I said, taking the last look around at our now, old house. A few more tears had been let out while I was walking out of the house, James locked the door behind him.

I sighed and put our luggage in the boot of the taxi. We told the taxi driver where to go, then left.

Once we got to the airport, everyone was already here. Yianni, Brooke, Beau, Luke, Daniel, but no Jai. He was no where in site. As soon as I got out the taxi and saw all their sad smiles, I immediately bursted out crying, I can't leave these people, they have helped me through so much.

Beau went to get out all our luggage, we all tagged along up to where our plane was, only little conversation was made.

I looked at the time and we only had 15 minutes until we had to board our plane. James looked like he was already saying bye to the boys.

I turned around to Yianni first, I hugged him, not pulling away, I said, "I'm going to miss you so much."

He mumbled back "I'm going to miss you too." I pulled away and he was crying just as much as me. "Promise we will keep in touch?" He pleaded.

"Of course." I said, hugging him again.

I turned to Brooke, she was already balling her eyes out, which made me cry even more, if that's possible.

We basically squeezed our guts out to each other, our hug was that tight. "I'm gonna miss you so much. I promise we will skype and talk all the time. Thankyou for everything. I love you." I sobbed.

"I love you too. And yes! A Skype call is a definite need for everyday." She replied while letting go of the hug. I sniffled my nose and moved over to Beau.

"Aw Aria." He said once he saw me. He pulled me in for a long lasting hug. We said our 'I'm gonna miss you's' then pulled away.

I moved onto Luke then and instantly started crying more, I can only think of where Jai is, and if he is going to say goodbye. He pulls me in for a hug, he must have known I thought of Jai because he said, "Jai went to a friends house last night, I'm pretty sure he got drunk, but he did text me before he was drunk, promising that he would be here to say bye. I don't know where he is now though, I'v sent many texts, got nothing." He said.

I couldn't help but think that he was drinking because of our fight. He would have wanted to get it off his mind.

Luke pulled back from the hug enough to look at me. "Trust me on this one Aria, he loves you. It may not seem like it at times, but he really does. I can tell by the way he looks at you. And I can tell you love him as well."

More tears were coming out by now, The fact that I'm having to hear that Jai loves me from his brother has made me really upset. I do believe Luke, but I want to hear it from Jai.

I nodded, "I'm going to miss you." I said.

"I'll miss you too. Promise you will text me as soon as you land." He said. "I promise." I replied.

There was a 5 minute call till we have to board. I looked around and there's still no sign of Jai.

"Group hug!" Beau shouted. Everyone huddled up into a circle and hugged. We all must have been hugging for a long time, since the final call to board had gone off.

Me and James walked to the lady and gave her our ticket, she gave us a small smile. I started walking away, I quickly turned around and gave one last wave to everyone. They all had their arms around each other and they were waving.

Well this is it. Goodbye Jai, I love you.

Jai's POV

I woke up with a huge hangover, the last thing I remember from last night was fighting with Aria, getting pissed off and driving to Tom's house then having a drink.

I checked the time and it was 9:30, shit! Aria's plane leaves in half an hour.

I quickly got dressed, grabbed my phone and just before I ran out the door Tom said, "Where you going?"

"You didn't wake me up Tom! Aria's plane leaves in half an hour!" I shouted at him, he was meant to wake me up, he said he would.

"Sorry man, you have to chill. It's only a girl." He said.

I rolled my eyes and ran out to the car, I may not have my license, but I couldn't care less, I needed to see her.

It was in general a 20 minute drive to the airport, so I was driving really fast to make it in time. I checked the time on my phone quickly as I got out the car and say it was 9:50.

I was running as fast as I could through all the security and people. I got to where her plane was, I saw everyone hugging, but James and Aria weren't there. Please don't tell me I missed them.

I ran up to them, "Did I miss her?" I half shouted.

"Planes about to leave." Luke said. Everyone turned around and looked at me, I didn't pay attention to all the bad looks though.

I ran to the window and saw her plane moving, then I saw it take off.

Tears started falling, I may never see her again.

And I never got to tell her I loved her.



wow, thankyou all so much for reading. it honestly means the world!

I will post an authors note explaining a couple of things as this story as come to an end.

I love you all, your great💕

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