5: Meeting the Gang

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A/N: Enjoyy. Keep voting and commenting xxx


It's 3:30, why is Selena still asleep? Don't jet lags ware out by now? It's really time to wake her up. I knock on her bedroom door, no answer as I expected. I make my way inside to see Selena peacefully sleeping on the bed, under the covers. She looks like an angel, wait what? I walk over to her and gently shake her ,"Selena, Selena! It's time to get up now it's 3:30 in the afternoon"

"Mom. Five more minutes! Please" I laugh at her remark.

"Selena this isn't your mum. This is Harry and it's 3 in the afternoon. You really need to get up now!"

"But I don't wanna!" I can't help but smile at how cute she sounds.

"Selena, I'm going to count to five and if you don't get up, I promised I'll throw a bucket of ice cold water on you!"


"Alright, Alright I'm up. Jeez you're so annoying!" She grumbles as she throws the covers off her body.

"Come on go freshen up, lunch is downstairs"

"Asshole" she mumbles which cause me to laugh

"I heard that!"

"You're supposed to!" And with that I head downstairs.

Suddenly my phone rings, I look at the ID and it's Louis.

H~Sup Mate?

L~I'm good Harold but the boys and I haven't heard from you in a week mate. How much time are you spending with this Selena?

H~Just showing her around, she's really nice and not to lie extremely beautiful.

L~Beautiful aye? Hazza I haven't heard you use that word for a woman in a long time. I'm happy for you mate. So when do we get to meet this miracle worker? The guys and gals are all dying!

H~How about tonight? She won't mind for sure. All of you guys decide a place and text me? Selena and I will reach there then?

L~Sounds like a plan mate. Okay done. So I'll text you time and place. Don't be late Haz, we're all dying to meet this girl!

H~You guys are going to love her, trust me! Okay do tell me. Bye Lou.

L~Bye Harry.

With that I end the phone call and see Selena descending down the stairs.

"Morning sleepy head!" I joke.

"Morning" she says with a smile. I walk into the kitchen and take out her plate and hand it to her. We sit on the couch and turn on the telly.

"So Selena. Any plans for tonight?" I ask.

"Considering the fact that I literally know no one or nothing, nope. No plans."

"Good cause I want to take you somewhere. A dinner with my four best mates and their significant others. What do you say?"

"Sure! I'd love to make some new friends around here! But like what if they think I'm annoying and don't like me?"

"Chill. They'll love you! Be ready by 8!" I say as I get up.

"Wait Harold. Fancy or casual?" She asks.

"Wear a dress. Look sexy, like you usually do" I kiss her cheek and make my way up the stairs.

My Best Friend's Brother// H.S & S.GWhere stories live. Discover now