10: Moving In

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Today's the day. I'm moving into my new apartment.

"Selena! Come on!" Harry calls me from downstairs.

I grab my purse from the bed and take a look around the room checking if I didn't forget anything. I close the door and head downstairs. I couldn't seem to find Harry, he's probably in his car. So I close the front door and head outside. I see Harry sitting in his car.

"Hey, sorry I was just checking if I forgot something" I explain.

"It's alright love, let's go shall we?"

I nod and with that Harry starts the car. Soon we're in front of my apartment buildings. Harry unlocks the car and I get out quickly.

"You were supposed to wait" Harry complains.

"What?" I asked confused. 

"I was going to open the door for you!" He pouts. I laugh at his cuteness.

I grab his hand and pull him towards the entrance,"Come on! And stop pouting"

As soon as we enter the lobby, we're face to face with Mr Ryan.

"Ms Gomez, Hello! Hope you enjoy your new place. I just came to check if there were any issues"

"Not at all Sir. And please it's Selena!"

"Okay, that's good. Now Cindy, the receptionist has my number so if they're any problems just let her know, I should get going now. Have a good day!" And with that he walks off.

We enter the elevator and head to the fifth floor. Once we reach we look for apartment '5B', I quickly take out the keys from my bag and unlock it.

Everything is set up, mainly thanks to Harry. "So you like everything? Everything fine?" Harry asks me once we've taken a tour of the now furnished apartment.

"Yes I do. Thank you so much Harry. If it wasn't for you I would have probably never got this apartment or gotten the furniture moved in so fast. You've been a great help!"

"Well I'm glad you like it and just because we don't live together, doesn't mean if you have a problem you don't call me. I'm just a few blocks away. I'll be there to help." He says. We're currently in the living room.

I smile, I open my mouth, I'm about to speak until Harry beats me to it.

"What's this?" He gets up and walks to the corner and picks up my guitar,"How come I didn't notice this before?" He asks.

I just shrug, "So you write, play the guitar and sing?" He asks.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Sing for me, Selena please."


"I have a feeling you have a great voice and I'm usually never wrong"

"Harry, I'm actually pretty bad. And the last time I sang to a guy, he told me I suck"

"Lemme guess it was that asshole."

I nod, "But you sang for Adam?" Harry whines. 

"I wasn't alone with Adam, plus he's more like a brother to me, I don't really mind embarrassing myself in front of Tay and Adam"

A smirk appears on Harry's lips,"And I'm not?"

Confused I ask,"What?"

"I'm not like a brother to you? That's why you can't sing to me?" I can feel my cheeks burning.

"I'm a shy person, that's why I can't sing for you." I defend myself. 

"Just once please?" Harry pleads.


"Okay fine. But like I said before I will make you sing for me in the future. Your shyness towards me will end eventually."

"I guess"

"Do you wanna do something? Like a watch a movie?"

"Sure. Let me go find what I have"

And with that I exit the room.


It's probably that Sam guy's fault Selena is so insecure about everything. She's literally one of the most gorgeous women I've seen in my life and as far as her singing is concerned the way Taylor and Adam were talking about her voice, she's probably very talented but thanks to that asshole she's insecure about her voice.

Now when I say this I don't mean to say it in a way that I'm going to make this girl mine or something, But if Selena was my girl, I'd actually be complimenting her 24/7 to boast up her ego instead of making her feel like she's not worthy. I wish one day I do meet that Sam cause I'm going to give him a piece of my mind, teach him how to treat a girl right.

Selena walks back into the living room and takes a seat besides me facing me.

"Okay so we have, Iron Man 2, The Notebook, Crazy. Stupid. Love, Fast and Furious 5, Frozen, The A-Team, 21 & 22 Jump Street, The Spectacular Now, Divergent, Hunger Games and The Vow" She finally looks up at me.

"Hmm. I don't know. I've seen 21 Jump Street. So let's watch the second one?" I suggest.

"Sure I haven't seen the second on either. Here, you put the CD in the DVD player and I'll be back with some junk" she hands me the CD and smiles at me then heads to try kitchen.

After about 15 minutes Selena returns with a tray of junk food. She sets in down on the table in front of us and takes a seat next to me.

"Two Cokes, Two Microwave popcorn, Pringles, Bottle of Pickles , M&Ms and lastly Oreo's'!" She says pointing everything out for me.

I laugh and reach for the jar of pickles and give her a "What the hell" look. She just snatches it from me,"Pickles are my life okay!" She defends her beloved pickles.

"Don't dancers have to eat healthy to stay in shape or something?" I ask with an amused look.

"They do. I just eat whatever I want and then work out. Before going on tour with someone I cut down on this junk. But for now, I'm going to live a little."

"I don't know if all of this junk is good for someone my age." I state.

"Shut up Harold. You're going to be entering your thirties, not you sixties. Geez. Plus you're in good shape. I'm assuming you go to the gym?" she asks.

"Why thank you, yup I do. Sunday is my gym day!"

"Mine too. I always go to the gym on Sundays. Well I don't know a gym here but I used to"

"You can go with me to the gym I go to. We'll be gym buddies" I joke.

"That's a little extreme don't you think? But okay, I do need a gym. I'll warn you though, I'm not pretty when I work out"

"I beg to differ" which causes her to smile.

"Such a charmer Harry"

"Always love."

"Now are we going to start this movie or..?" she asks. 

"Yup, let's get started." I agree. 

My Best Friend's Brother// H.S & S.GWhere stories live. Discover now