11: Work

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Today I got up at around 7, first day of work. I'm somewhat excited, I'm somewhat annoyed. I don't know, I love dancing I hope everyone here is nice.

I got out of the shower and put on a pair of leggings with a blue sleeveless tank top. I pull on a white Nike jacket on top of it. My hair is down for now, I'll have to tie it up when I start dancing, I have a pair of sneakers on and no makeup. I look presentable.

I look at the time and it's 7:49, I decide to make myself some breakfast but before I reach the kitchen I hear someone knocking at my door. Who could possibly be here at 7 am? I opened the door and I was face to face with Harry. He walks in and locks the door behind him.

"Really Selena? Someone knocks on your door at 7 am and you don't even bother asking who it is before opening the door? I could have been a murderer, a rapist, a thief" Harry scolds. 

I smile at his concern,"But your not"

"Be a little more careful next time will you?"

"I promise. What are you doing here at 7 am?"

"Well, I got you Coffee and donuts" he says handing me the bag.

"Aww Haz. You shouldn't have! Thank you!" I say and peek his cheek.

"Also I wanted to drop you off on your first day!"

"No need Harry. I'm not 6 plus the studio is literally a few blocks away."

"No I insist."

"Okay fine. Let me put these donuts in plates" I suggest. 

After Breakfast we check the time and it's 8:15, I have to reach by 8:30. So I out away the dishes and grab my purse. I lock the door and head outside with Harry in front of me. He opens the car door for me,"A gentlemen as always" he smiles at my comment.

Literally within 5 minutes we reach. "Okay have a good day! I'll call you later to check up on you!" Harry says and kisses my cheek.

"Thank You Harry! Byee!" I exit the car and wave at him.

Walking in the studio I can't help but think about what Gigi was saying. That Harry would help me settle in and check up on me, if he does he likes me. He does care about me but I don't know if he likes me? What if he does?

I push open the doors of the studio and head to the receptionist. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Hi, Welcome to Real Dance Studios'. How can I help you Mam"

I smile as her and speak,"I'm Selena Gomez, I transferred from the NY branch. I was supposed to start today."

She quickly gets up and and extends her hand towards me, which I shake.

"Ms Gomez, Mr Owen the owner told me you'd be coming and you're one of the best in America so you'll be the manager as well as dancer of this branch. Come on I'll give you a tour!"

"Thank You, that'd be nice. And please call me Selena, Ms Gomez is too formal for my liking. I'm sorry I didn't catch your name?"

"It's Claire, now follow me" she smiles.

Claire is really sweet, she showed me around the studio and I have to say I'm really going to like it here. They're bigger then the ones back home and I really like how they're designed.

Finally she takes me to the locker room where I see about 10 to 15 people.

"Guys. This is Selena Gomez, the new manager. The one from America who Mr Owen told us about!" Claire announced.

I smiled at them all and everyone gave me an introduction. I don't know if it's cause it's my first day but everyone is so polite and sweet.

"Okay so shall we start practice? What song do we need?" I ask.

"Well Ellie Goulding's tour is starting soon and she's hired us. So we have to start on the dances soon and she'll just check them." Paul one of the guys said.

"I know this really cool dance to her 'On My Mind' I can teach you guys if you want. It's not so hard" I suggest.

They all nod,"Okay let's head to the Studio".

We get there and Anna, one of the girls and setting up the stereo. I take off my jacket and tie my hair in a ponytail.

The song plays and I show them the dance. At the end they all clap,"Wow you're really good!" They all tell me.

"Thank You so much! So do you guys wanna a learn it?" I ask.

"Yeah!" They all answer in unison.

They're all amazing dancers and catch up pretty fast. We perfected two dances today, and I'm really happy. We're all literally sweating. It's almost six so most of them have gone home. I head to the locker room when I hear my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I answer without bothering to look at the ID.

"Hey Sel! How'd your day go?" Harry asks.

"It was amazing! Everyone here is so nice and so talented. I'm really going to like it here!"

"That's great. So I just pulled outside the studio, whenever you're done come down"

"I'm done now, but Harry. You seriously didn't have to!"

"Sel, I'm already here so stop it!"

"Okay I'll be right down" I give in.

With that he hangs up.

I grab my stuff and head out of the locker room. I see that everyone has left, I only see Claire packing up her things.

"Hey Claire? I'm going to get going now!"

"Okay Bye Selena! See you tomorrow!" She says with a smile.

"Bye! See you!" I say and wave at her as I make my way outside.

I reach Harry's car and get inside.

"Hi Haz!" I say.

He looks up at me and smiles,"Hey Sel! So I thought since you must be tired I should cook for you today. What do you think?"

"Harry, you've already done so much!"

"C'mon it's nothing. Let's go!"

"Thank You for everything!"

"Anything for you!" He looks at me and smiles then he starts the car.

Once again I start thinking about what Gigi said. So is everyone right? Does Harry like me? If not, why does he care about me so much? Do I like him too? If I do should I tell him? Will he ask me out soon? God, I'm so confused.

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