30: New York

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After my tour ended I decided to move back to New York. I mean my family and closest friends are all here. After I quit my job as a dance choreographer the only reason I was staying in London was for Harry, now I don't need that. I'll miss my friends alot but they were actually supportive of my decision to move.

It's been a month since I've moved to back to New York and now my life goal is to a) do whatever it takes to forget Harry b) to try to be happy. So far both my goals are not even close to being fulfilled. I'm heading out with Gemma for a little girls night at the club. Possibly looking for someone who'll help me get over Harry. Even if it's just for the night.

I decide to put on a knee length skin tight black dress with my hair in curls. Gemma texts me that she's outside and I rush down from the back side. The last thing I need is paparazzi right now.

Gemma and I reach the club and take a seat at the bar,"What can I get you ladies?" The bartender asks.

"I'll have a beer" Gemma answers.

"I'm good for now, thanks" I smile at the guy.

After a few minutes the bartender is back,"A beer for you and a vodka cherry for you!"

"I didn't order" I say.

"I know. It's from that guy there" the bartender points at an attractive young man sitting cross from us smiling at me.

"Sel, cutie who bought you a drink is looking at you. Oh he's coming over. I'm going to disappear for a bit!" Gemma says.

"No wait Gems-" I was interrupted by a voice behind me.

"Hello there" I turn around to be faced with the handsome stranger who bought me a drink.

"Hi, thanks for the drink!" I smile.

"Your welcome. I'm Henry" he extends his hand which I shake.

"Selena" I smile at him.

"You really don't except me not to know who you are? I'm a fan!"

"Oh I'm flattered. Let me guess a fan of the music videos?"

"Those were great but the music was even better"

I was surprised by his answer and just smile I don't know if it was fate but at that moment Hands to Myself started playing. This was the first time I've heard my song being played at a club.

"Care to dance to your song?" Henry asks extending his hand.

"Sure" I grab his hand and we head to the dance floor.

"So Selena, care to tell me more about yourself?"

"Well, I'm pretty much an open book" I say causing Henry to laugh.

What are you doing Selena? You're leading this man on, you shouldn't do that! You love Harry. But he dumped me and cheated on me.

All the sudden I look up and it's not Henry but it's Harry who's dancing with me,"Hello love. Miss me?"

I shake my head and decide that I can't do this, I move away from Henry and give him a smile,"It's really nice meeting you, but I have to go!"

"Yeah. Yeah. Okay. It was nice meeting you too. Here's my number. Call me up anytime" with that Henry kisses my cheek and I head to find Gemma.

Part of me feels so guilty for dancing and flirting with a man who's not Harry. I find Gemma and we head home. I lie to Gemma and tell her that Henry was a creep that's why I rushed away.

So the next morning Gemma is over at my house helping me decide what to wear on this party we have to go to tomorrow.

"Gems I'm telling you I have nothing to wear! Ugh." I say and fall back on the bed.

"Selena. You can be so lazy sometimes. Do I have to do everything for you?" Gemma asks slightly annoyed with her hand resting on her hip.

"Well. You are my best friend?"

A smile appears on Gemma's face and she throws a pillow at me,"Let me see what I can find!"

After about 5 minutes Gemma finally speaks,"Look, I've found the perfect dress for the party tomorrow!"

I look up from my phone and see Gemma holding a sleeveless black and white dress. It's the dress I wore on my first date with Harry, before I can help myself my eyes start to water thinking about that night. It was so perfect, Harry was so perfect. We were so happy, what happened to that?

Gemma notices my reaction and sits next to me, she rests her hand on my knee,"Sel you okay?"

I take the dress from her and hold it in my hand,I let out a dry laugh,"That was the dress I wore on my very first date with Harry. I remember I was so nervous and tried on a million dresses. Then Harry told me that I looked beautiful and kept telling me that the entire night. I remember that being one of the best nights of my life. The bastard finally got the courage to ask me out!" I didn't realize that tears were now streaming down my cheeks.

Gemma features soften, she grabs the dress from me and sets it aside,"Sel, It's going to be alright. Don't worry!"

"Why can't I move on Gemma? Why am I so miserable without him? He's happy and he's moved on. He moved on way long ago. I love him, I still do. No matter how hard I try, I can't stop loving him. But obviously he doesn't even care about me. He proved that by missing out my concert! We really did have it all, until he cheated" The tears were not stopping, they just kept running down.

"He didn't" Gemma says in a barely audible voice.

"He didn't what?"

"I promised not to tell but you deserve to know. Harry didn't cheat on you Selena. He lied"

My eyes were about to pop out of my sockets, Harry didn't cheat on me? Then why lie? What is happening.

"I honestly haven't spoken to Harry since your breakup but one night Zayn called me and told me how bad Harry really is doing. He told me that Harry lied about cheating on you, he wanted you to break up with him. He lied so that you would hate him and move on. Even after your breakup, Harry hasn't been with a single woman. He's still in love with you as you are with him"

"W-h-h-at? Then why'd he push me away? Why did he lie? Why did he not come to my concert. Why did he ruin our perfect relationship?"

Gemma grabs my hand and squeezes it,"Honestly I don't know Sel. But from what I've been told, you're not the only one who's miserable. Harry still is too!"

Then why did Harry do all this? Why did he end our relationship? Why?

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