32: Happy Birthday!

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I just got off my plane, I'm in New York! After alot of consideration I decided that I really should see Selena. So I thought what better day then her birthday? It's 22nd July, 7:30 pm. Gigi had given me directions for Selena's house so I get a cab and head to her house.

I reach her house and just stand outside for a few minutes debating on whether I should knock or just leave. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A few minutes later Selena opened the door looking beautiful as ever in skinny jeans and a half sleeves light blue sweater, with her hair open. Her smile disappears as she sees me.

"H-Harry?" She asks with wide eyes.

"Happy Birthday!" I say as I hand her the flowers and the bracelet I had bought.

"Tha-Thank You" Selena politely smiles at me as I hand her the gifts.

"Can I come in?" I ask. Selena moves aside giving me space to walk in.

Selena closes the door and leads me to the living room, I take a seat and Selena sits next to me.

"Harry, what are you really doing here?"

"Selena, I'm sorry, for everything-"

Selena interrupts me midway,"Why'd you lie to me?" Selena asks simply.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Gemma told me you lied, she told me that you never cheated on me, why lie?"

"It's complicated."

"Well I'm assuming you didn't just fly 10,000 miles to wish me a happy birthday, I deserve to know why you ruined everything! Why you lied, about everything. Harry I need you to be honest with me."

I look at Selena, I look into her beautiful brown eyes that I fell in love with, all I want to do right now is to hold her but I can't,"I just need you listen to me" I pause and look at Selena and she nods,"A month into your tour, I started to realize something Selena, I'm not good enough for you. Look at me and look at you. You're just 24. You're young, this is not your time to settle down, especially not for someone like me. I'm a 31 year old man who finds the solution to his problems in alcohol. Selena I lied to you because I wanted you to hate me. I want you to have the best in life and I'm sorry Selena that's not with me. Please try to understand. You have to move on, you need to find someone who truly deserves you and that's not me. I want you to be happy."

Selena stares into my eyes, she grabs my hand and holds onto in tightly,"Do you love me?" She whispers.

"Yes with all my heart" I say in a barely audible voice.

"Then fucking stop this Harry! You don't get to decide whether good enough for me! I do! I love you goddammit! I should hate you even if you never cheated you broke me up in a million pieces and I should hate you but I just can't stop loving you!" Selena says raising her voice.

I get up, releasing Selena's grip on my hand,"Can't you see, I'm not good enough for you? I love you Selena! I really do with all my heart but you deserve someone way better then me, I'm a wreck, I'm a mess. You're just 24, you have your entire life ahead of you, you really don't want to settle for an old man like me. You have to move on, let me go, be happy Selena cause I can never make you happy." I say in a loud voice.

My Best Friend's Brother// H.S & S.GWhere stories live. Discover now