28: Moving On

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I feel as if I'm on a ship. Everything is moving, some things are blurry. Where am I? I'm on titanic aren't I? Someone comes and stands next to me. It's Selena. She's here. We love each other.

"Selena, baby. I love you" I say with a smile.

"Haz, it's not Selena. It's Zayn. Come on let's get you home!"

"Zaynie? How'd you find me? Are you a psychic?" I ask as Zayn lifts me up.

"No Haz I'm not. Rick the bartender called me and said you were drunk off your ass."

"Oh so not psychic. It's alright. You're still my friend!" Zayn helps me sit in the car and starts driving.

I was about to sleep when Zayn opened the car door and helped me to the house. My friends are amazing, so caring so kind. Just like Selena, so caring so kind so beautiful.

I lie down on my living room couch and Zayn takes a seat beside me. "Get some rest, I'll be here in the morning!" He says.

I smile,"Okay. Night Zaynie" and soon I fall into a deep slumber.

I woke up with a massive headache, I sat up and tried to think about what happened last night.

"Morning Sunshine. Here take these. They'll help with the hangover" Zayn says walking out of the kitchen handing me a glass of orange juice and two pills. What is Zayn doing here?

"Thanks. What are you doing here?" I ask still holding my head.

"Well at 1 am Rick the bartender called me saying that you're drunk off your ass and you keep saying "Selena, Selena" so I came and brought you home"

"Thanks Zayn" I say with a weak smile.

"Harry what's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"This is your third consecutive night getting drunk. What are you doing Harry? What's wrong?"

"I've been drinking alot for months since three days I've just been going out and getting drunk"

Zayn gives me a look and I continue to speak,"I broke up with Selena, three days ago"

"What? Why on bloody earth would you do such a thing?"

"Because she deserves someone much better. So I told her that I've cheating on her for months"

"And have you?" Anger was clearly laced in his voice.

"No Ofcourse not. Everytime I look at a girl I just think it's Selena. I can't get her out of my head. But I needed her to hate me so she could move on. She shouldn't settle down with a man like me. She should have fun and be young. She'll find an amazing guy who's worthy of her"

"You really fucked this up Harry. You know that? How could you lie to Selena that you cheated on her considering her past. She's probably heartbroken. You ended a 16 month relationship because "I'm not good for her"? Harry, Selena loves you. What are you doing?"

"Zayn, I know she does and I love her too, I don't think I can ever move on but she needs to. There's someone out there who's 10x better then me. I did the right thing Zayn. Selena deserves better, she deserves the best and that's not me!"

"You think you've made Selena's life easier and she'll move on in a blink of an eye. You're wrong. You've broken her Haz. You lost her, a girl who truly loves you for you, a girl who loves all your flaws. Harold you fucking messed up and you know it!" With that Zayn walked out of my house.

I know I messed up but soon Selena will move on and find a better man and that day I will have been successful. So what if I can never move on? I just want her to be happy.


I know I shouldn't after what he did, but I miss him. I never thought this would happen with Sam yes I actually knew that he was cheating on me but I was too afraid of being alone but Harry? I never in a million years thought any of Harry cheating on. I love him so much, my life literally is into pieces and I haven't even told anyone yet that we broke up. Where is My Harry? The sweet caring guy who told me he loves me every chance he got? The guy who was always there for me? The guy who said that our love was forever. Where is that Harry? I want him back.

After last night's concert, I've just in my room crying and praying that this is all a nightmare I wake up from. It's been three days and so far I can't believe any of this. I was sitting on my bed, tears streaming down my face as my hotel room door busted open.

"Hey Selly! Missed me? This was my first ever time coming to Canda and I must say that this city is beautiful! I love it! I'm so excited for my photo shoot!" Gigi exclaims.

Gigi looks at me and notices I'm crying. She drops her bags on the floor immediately and rushes to my side,"Hey, Hey. What's wrong?"

"G, he broke up with me! Harry cheated on me!" I say, the tears still streaming down my face.

Gigi moves closer to me and hugs me, I cry on her shoulder and she rubs my back,"Sh..it's going to be alright. Sh.."

After a while I calmed down a little and Gigi sat next to me with her arm on my shoulder,"Tell me exactly what happened Sel"

"I called him four nights ago and he said that he doesn't love me anymore. That he lost the spark in our relationship the minute I left for tour. He said that he's been cheating on me for eight months G! My Harry is gone. I don't know who that man is. I still love him G, I can't do this. I can't be without him!" I start crying once again.

"It's going to be alright Selena. Sh....Everything happens for the best Selena. If your Harry really is gone, you shouldn't care about him." Gigi comforts me.

"I know G, I know. But I still love him. I want to wake up from this nightmare G. Everything was going amazing. What happened all the sudden?" I was crying and crying, I couldn't seem to stop.

"You know, there's probably something wrong with me. First Sam cheated on me pretty much throughout our entire relationship and now Harry. Maybe that's my destiny, to be cheated on. Maybe that's what I deserve!" I say.

"Don't say that Selena! If Harry and Sam weren't the guys for you then one day you'll find one who treats you right. Just don't think like that!" Gigi says giving me a weak smile.

"Why can't I stop loving him G? I just want to move on, like he did. But I can't stop loving him! G, I can't stop!" I was again break into tears as Gigi hugs me and tries to calm me down.

After about 10 minutes, Gigi gets up from the bed and gets me up as well. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up. Let's go out to dinner. Me, you, Theresa. It'll be fun!"

"Okay" I give her a weak smile and head to the bathroom.

"Hey Sel?"


"You do realize that you have to tell people like Gemma and your family that you're single right?"

"I'll tell Gemma tonight and Theresa too. My parents, I don't want them to worry. I don't want to tell them try reason" Gigi nods at me and I go to the bathroom.

I just need to move on, but I can't.

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