Chapter 41

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"Who's Ella?" I ask, holding up the phone to Jack. Jack's face turns a bright red as he scampers up to grab his phone. 

"You didn't read the text, did you?" he checks his phone, still flushed whilst Finn looks at Jack with a huge grin.

"Oh no...not at all. When are you going on your next date then?" I laughed loudly, sitting down next to Finn as Jack huffs in annoyance. 

"Shut up guys." He rolls his eyes as he replies to her text. "Besides, it's only been one date." 

I glanced at Finn, who gave me a knowing look. Even though he's trying to play it off as nothing, his reaction to me saying her name showed more than nothing. 

"Where did you meet her?" Finn asked, causing Jack to groan.

"Through a friend- can we please not go into this? I don't even know if I'm going to go on another date with her."

I stood up, a smirk on my lips. "Sure, sure. I'm going to call Dan, I'll be back later."

I headed back into Jack's room, before dialling Dan's number. He picks up, but I don't hear anything for a moment, besides shuffling.

"Dan?" I frown, checking to see if I called the right number.

"Hey, Lia." Dan's exhausted voice comes through to my end, "How are you?"

"How am I? Um...well I miss you." I mumble, crossing and re-crossing my legs anxiously. Dan didn't sound very excited to hear from me.

"I miss you too...I'm just busy today. I've had a ton of meetings with Phil today and I'm honestly just wanting to call the book off, I don't even write and God knows nobody would believe it if we got a ghost writer in on this..." Dan's voice was distant, like he was rushing around somewhere. I heard a honking in the background and voices.

"Book? What book?" Dan never mentioned anything about a book.

"What? Look Lia, can I call you back? You've called at the worse time, I don't know why we couldn't have caught up last night."


"-I'll call you back when I'm less busy. Love you." He hangs up quickly, leaving me stunned at the turn of events. What book? Dan usually is more than enthusiastic to speak to me, or maybe I shouldn't expect him to drop everything at my feet and should have asked him in advance so I wasn't interfering with his work. 

That was probably it, but I couldn't help feel the sting of rejection as I put the phone down, only for it to vibrate again.

We need to speak privately.

Who is this?

Your Mother. 

Oh my God. I wondered what she wanted, whether it was going to lead to another silent argument that I was going to have to endure whilst keeping pretences that Jack and I were seeing each other. I quickly replied.

Where and when?

Tomorrow at lunch.

She sent the address and I quickly googled it. It lead to an Italian restaurant quite a long way, on the outskirts of London. I was frustrated with her for choosing a location so far away, but I was more concerned on what she wanted to discuss. 

That evening, I tried to call Dan again, leaving him at least 3 voicemails. Then about 2 texts, then for the rest of the evening I kept glancing at my phone whilst watching a movie with the Harries family. Finn nudged me subtly, before leaning over to whisper in my ear.

"Do I need to confiscate your phone to make you pay attention to the film? You're missing all the jokes."

I sighed, trying to smile back at him. "Dan's not got back to me today."

"Chill, I'm sure he's just busy."

I leaned my head on his shoulder, sighing again. I handed Finn my phone, before trying to pay attention to the film I've ignored for the past half an hour. Finn pocketed my phone in victory. But even the jokes couldn't keep me awake, and the next thing I remember was the film slowly darkening as my eyes shut. 

I woke up in the spare bedroom groggily. I looked down and noticed I was out of my clothes and into pyjamas. I tried to not think too hard about who could have changed me. I got out of bed and padded out of the bedroom to get ready for the day. I had a lunch to look forward to. 

I knocked on Finn's bedroom door, realising he still had my phone. The room was empty, but I noticed my phone on his bedside table, so grabbed it before running down the stairs.

"You're in a rush." A grinning Finn observes as I grab a banana from the kitchen counter.

"Well done for noticing." I retort, before leaving the house.

"Bye then!" I hear him call as I shut the door. I head to the nearest tube station before working my way through the transport system to end up at the restaurant my Mother told me about. 

She was sitting in a corner booth, hair pulled back as she waited impatiently for me to arrive. She sent me a small glare before composing herself and sending me a smile. 

"Dear." She greeting me as I sat down.

"What do you want?" I say stubbornly. She smiled blankly at me, knowing I would act this way.

"Can we not have a civil conversation as Mother and Daughter every once in a while?" She acted as if my attitude didn't phase her.

"When my mother single handedly tries to control my life, I guess I have a good reasoning to do exactly that."

My Mother sighs agitatedly. "Whatever. I didn't come here to discuss your love life, I came here to discuss mine."

I lean back, folding my arms. "Excuse me?"

My Mother lets out a breath as she looks behind me. I turn to see Jess standing in the doorway of the restaurant, a blank expression on her face as she comes to sit down next to me. 

"What is this about?" Jess tries to fold her arms over her bloated stomach. Our Mother glances at Jess's stomach with concern, but speaks anyway.

"I kept something from you both, you were both too young to understand..."

Both me and Jess were quiet. Mother looked at us to make sure we were listening.

"Your biological father has been released from prison. He's roaming around London this very minute."


Sorry, I know this was a total cliffhanger, cause you know...they already had one father, know they thought was dead xD

Tomorrow I saw on tumblr is national fanfiction writers day or something, so I figured I'd post an update today so you can either read it today or if you see it tomorrow it'll be more fitting! I've just spent an entire week in the Grecian Islands on a cruise and it was amazing! I'm very tan now :'D I arrived back to England this afternoon so I've just blasted out this chapter after spending my entire week on Wattpad reading the After Series! Currently I'm on like chapter 170 or something so almost at the end of After 2 and its inspired me to write more and develop Dan and the main characters more! Who else has read it? :D

Hope y'all having a lovely day and that you enjoyed the update! 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2015 ⏰

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Big Decisions- a Danisnotonfire / Dan Howell Fanfic (Sequel to I Chose You)Where stories live. Discover now