Chapter 13: Never going back.

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I desperately ran past Finn as I followed Lia down the stairs, calling her name. Why would Finn just let her go like that? If he truly cared about her...this wouldn't be happening. 

"Lia! Don't go- wait." I grabbed her arm and pushed her against our wall, and Lia breathed heavily, choking out quiet sobs. 

"I'm sorry-" She began, but I interrupted her, hoping that I could change her mind to stop Finn's actions making things much worse.

"-You're not leaving me, Lia. That's not something I'm okay with." I stroked her cheek, wiping away tears as she shut her eyes. 

"I can't, Jack. He hates me. He'll hate you, too. I don't want to to that. I don't want to be the reason for that." Her face contorted in pain as she shook her head, trying to block me out.

"It won't be. Please, if I mean anything to you, you won't end our friendship."

"If Finn means anything to you, you won't-"

"-Lia I'm not going to say goodbye." I laughed helplessly. "That's not something that will happen, and you know it."

"Is everything alright?" I heard my Mom ask, and I took a step back away from Lia, shaking my head.

"Yeah, Mom. Just peachy." I muttered sarcastically.

"How did Finn take the news?"

Lia sighed loudly. "Guess. I didn't even make it to the marriage bit."

"Maybe it's for the best that he doesn't find out." I muttered, pulling Lia into a hug. "But you're not cutting me out. If you try I'm just going to call you everyday, tweet you all the time even if you don't respond."

Lia giggled. "You're so stubborn."

I smirked. "Runs in the family, doesn't it, Mom?"

Lia let go of me and Mom went to give her a small hug, then I grabbed my keys, telling her I'll drop her off home. Although the air between us was quiet, it wasn't awkward in the least. Tonight wasn't the night for banter. The streets glistened from the rain that must have arrived throughout the movie. I looked up at the mirror to see bright lights tailing behind, but I didn't think much of it, even though it was strangely quiet for this time of night. 

As I stopped off at the red lights, however, things got a little more interesting as my car lurched forward, and I felt myself swear under my breath.

"Stay here, Lia. I'll go check it out." I climbed out of my car and looked behind me, cussing. "Are you kidding me?"

"Oi! Green light?" A man who was in the car behind yelled at me, and I felt myself growl, looking behind me to see the red light had now been replaced by a bright green glow.

"Yeah, it was a red light before, which is why I stopped. You hit my car!" I exclaimed loudly at him, gesturing to the fact his car was still touching mine, the dents in the back of my car surrounding the front of his. 

"I haven't got insurance, mate." The guy muttered. "So get back in your car and drive off, alright?"

"Excuse me? You can get arrested for no insurance." I shook my head, turning back towards my car, and I pulled out my phone, typing in the car registration so something could be done about it. Lia gave me a confused and worried look, but I shook my head at her, dismissing her worry.

But before I knew it, the guy had jumped out of the car, grabbed my phone and threw it down onto the floor, shattering the screen.

"I fucking told you to clear off!" He grabbed my shirt in fistfulls and swung me so my back hit the car, and the next thing I saw was a fist and darkness enveloped me. 

Nooooo Jack :o Will he be okay? DUN DUN DUN if you want to find out, next chapter is when I get 665 subscribers, so subscribe? :D

On another note IM SEEING CATCHING FIRE TODAY OMG. I'm so excited, Jennifer Lawrence is easily my favourite actress <3 No spoilers plz ;D *even though I've read and re-read the books xD

Be sure to give this chapter a vote if you enjoyed! :D

Big Decisions- a Danisnotonfire / Dan Howell Fanfic (Sequel to I Chose You)Where stories live. Discover now