Chapter 29:

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Rebecca POV

I sighed to myself as I made my way down to Helen after a long talk with Jack. Helen was observing Emmy doing her homework, and helping her out. Helen was such a darling.

"Sorry for taking so long, Jack's feeling under the weather."

Helen looked up at me, curiousity in her eyes. "Is everything alright?"

"The girl he liked recently got engaged and she's just told him." I shook my head. "Lia's a lovely girl, she just is rather oblivious when it comes to boys. She's left my poor boys crushed."

"Your boys are so good to her- they sound like they put her before anyone."

I nodded. "They do. Daniel, her partner always seemed to do something, and she'd come running to Jack. I think if Finn hadn't fallen for Lia first, Jack wouldn't have stopped himself from doing the same thing."

"Daniel seems like a piece of work. I don't even know Lia and I hope they break's Finn now?" Helen mouthed the last part, looking down at Emmy, who wasn't paying attention. I shook my head at her, changing topic. I didn't want Emmy to remember this, even though she was old enough to know what Finn did.

"His girlfriend keeps calling." I sighed. "I've told her what has happened, but she keeps saying that she needs to speak to him about something important which she doesn't think I should know about."

Helen frowned to herself. "Maybe his girlfriend has something to do with it?"

I wasn't sure, but I was going to find out.

Jack POV

I crossed my legs as Emmy sat opposite me, dictating what Helen and my Mom had been saying. 

"Christie could know something?" Guilt consumed me. I said some awful things to Lia, because I thought it was her fault that Finn overdosed. I had to get to the bottom of this. I wasn't sure when Finn would wake up, and who knows whether he'd remember anything. 

"I think you should meet up with her and ask her. You couldn't pretend to be Finn- you look completely different." Emmy smiled at me, reaching over and giving me a hug. I pulled her tightly to me, sighing. If only Finn was better.

I sent Christie a text. 

Can we meet up? Jack x

As soon as she replied I was out of the house, knowing I had to fix things. She gave me the address to her house, so I took the car and headed straight there. 

She looked alright, for the most part. She looked a bit pale, but I figured that was nerves for seeing me. I did look like her ex-boyfriend, afterall.

"Hey, Christie."

"Jack." She nodded, letting me in. We headed to her kitchen, and she ran a hand through her hair. "How are you?"

"Could be better." I nodded, sitting down. "I need to ask you something."

"I think I know what you're going to ask...and I'm not telling you, Jack. It's between me and Finn." 

"But Finn, you see, is in a coma. So he can't really answer you right now, so I'm the best Finn we have so far. Spill." I huffed, crossing my arms. "I didn't come here for nothing, Christie."

"I know, I guess I just kind of needed to see you. You're the closest thing I have to a Finn, I guess..." She was mumbling.

"Are you the reason why Finn overdosed?" I spat at her in frustration. Christie looked up, her eyes shining with tears. As they spilled over, she quickly wiped them away. 

"It's complicated. I-" She put a hand on her stomach, then the same one on her mouth. Her eyes widened as she rushed to the kitchen sink, choking into it. I jumped up and pulled her hair away from her face, when it all clicked. I felt my eyes widen. I was going to become an uncle?

When she was done, she whispered a 'thank you', before rinsing her mouth with water. I took a step back.

"How long have you known?"

She shrugged. "A few weeks. I told Finn, the day he was taken to hospital."

"Are you going to get rid of it?"

She shook her head. "I can't. I know we broke up...but I can't."

"I have to tell Mom, you know. She can't not know about this." 

Christie shook her head, tears spilling over her face again. "No! You have no right-"

"-You had no right to keep this from us. We're the father's family. I'm his twin. Did you think Finn would want to speak about this after overdosing to get away from it all? I almost lost my twin because of this! You don't think I deserved to know why? I'm sorry you're in this position, I really am, but I have a lot of things on my plate right now."

"You can't tell anyone- please...for me."

I shook my head. "My family have to know." I pulled her into a hug. "It'll be okay, Christie. Trust me."

I felt her relax into my hug, before I let go to head back home. Mom and Helen were still in the kitchen, and I gulped.

"Mom. I know why Finn overdosed."

Wow we reached the goal in like 2 days? haha xD new chapter at 925 subscribers lovelies! <3

What has been your favourite part of the entire series so far? Does 2 books count as a series or shall I just say books? xD

I'm going on holiday very sooooon so will not be able to update for a bit, so lets get another few updates in before I leave? :'D

I know this chapter didn't feature Dan or Lia, but hello for some Jack lovin?

Big Decisions- a Danisnotonfire / Dan Howell Fanfic (Sequel to I Chose You)Where stories live. Discover now