Chapter 18: Future Mother in Law.

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As I was almost finished with a meeting with Radio 1 I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I snuck my phone under the desk, looking at the message sneakily.

I'm here.

Shit. I totally thought I was supposed to meet with Lia's Mom tomorrow. I didn't want to make a bad impression, especially after the work I had to do to get her to meet with me in the first place.

Going to Jess for her number was one of the worst ideas of mine to date. Asking Lia would have been a worse option, so after Jess got mad at me I went to Liam. All he did was shake his head at me as he pulled his phone out.

"Tell them I gave you her number and I'll kill you. Or I'll tell Lia about that time-"

"-I promise. Thanks, Liam." I put her number in my phone and Liam put a hand on my shoulder. I almost flinched, before I remembered Liam actually liked me. 

"Is it that big a deal to you? You do realise Lia's going to skin you alive. I can't believe you're going to propose. That's huge."

"I know..." I handed him his phone and began messing with my hair. "Want to see the ring?"

Because Lia's Mom texted saying she was where we were supposed to meet today, I didn't question it. I didn't want to tell her I was busy or that we were to meet tomorrow. I've never met her before but now I felt my pulse race. As soon as I could I rushed out of the building, pulling my phone out to give her a call.


"Hi, sorry I'll be there in one minute I was in a meeting."

"That's fine dear, I'll get us a coffee."

"No, no, I'll pay." I murmured, looking around for Starbucks. There I saw her, a phone to her ear, and I walked up to her quickly. I shook her hand and ordered us coffees, and I sat down after handing her her order.

"Thanks, dear." She smiled at me. "So, you expect that I'd have some questions, right? I haven't seen either of my daughters in years. I've spoken to Liam a few times, he's doing alright, isn't he?"

I nodded. "He's a great guy. I'm glad he likes me."

"You're Lia's boyfriend?"

I nodded as she watched me with careful eyes.

"I love her a lot-"

"-So why did you call?"

I was taken aback slightly, and I frowned. "I...I wanted to ask for blessing to marry her."

A short laugh filled the air, and she shook her head. "Honey, Lia doesn't need my blessing. What do you do? You were in a meeting?"

"I wanted to ask you." I frowned. "I...I work for Radio 1."

"Radio...that doesn't pay much, does it?"

"It pays the bills. I can afford my own place here too." I didn't want to bring up YouTube. She'll think even worse of me.

"Can you afford a wedding? Afford to provide for my daughter?"


She raised an eyebrow carefully. "Alright. So...why did nobody tell me about my eldest getting married? Who's the lucky guy?"

"My best friend, Phil."

"What does he do?"

"We have the same job."

"Brilliant." She looked pissed off slightly, and I jumped as I got a phone call from Lia. Shit! I forgot we were supposed to meet after my meeting! My future Mother in Law sat there as I lied to Lia about where I was, then get caught in the act that I was infact not with Benjamin Cook.

"Shit. Lia- I can explain!" I looked panickly at the woman in front of me, and she smirked slightly.

"She was always the stubborn one out of the family."

I jumped up quickly as Lia hung up, and I sighed loudly. "Great. I didn't mean for that to happen."

"Of course you did." I looked over at Lia's Mom, who was grinning at me.

"Can I marry your daughter?"

Lia's Mom paused for a moment, looking me up and down. "If my blessing is that important to you...No. You're not right for my daughter. You lied to her to see me, never mind the fact I don't think you can provide for her. How much do you earn a year?"

I shook my head at her. Are you kidding me? "Well, with my Radio job and my work with YouTube, I'm pretty loaded. But it doesn't matter anymore, the love of my life may not even want to marry me anymore, because I wanted to get to know you. Guess you can go back to having zero part in Lia and Jess's lives then."

I then took off, frowning as I headed straight to Radio 1 then home to see if I could find Lia.

Lia's Mom is a bitch! :o I wonder what plans she has for the FanFic haha!

New chapter at 705 subscribers :D 

Big Decisions- a Danisnotonfire / Dan Howell Fanfic (Sequel to I Chose You)Where stories live. Discover now