Chapter 33:

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Hey guys, I've read some of the comments saying stuff like how it's not so much of a DanFic and I'm not really sure how to respond to that :P It's not a jackandfinnfic, but they are main characters, just like Phil and Jess are :P It's not a PhilandJessfic either, even though there will be a few chapters focusing on them and the birth of their baby girl, but I hope you guys will enjoy those Phil and Jess chapters just like a Dan and Lia chapter? :)

I have a few points I want to address which I have noticed recently, but that will be the next 'chapter' which will be an authors note. I'm sick of avoiding the topic with you guys and I think you guys deserve an explanation. 



I grinned to myself as I felt my girlfriend's presence next to me in my bed. Her head was covered by her hair, my arm was slung around her waist and her legs were tangled between the sheets and my own legs. 

My eyes focused on the ring on her left hand. 

Lia was really mine. 

Phil was obviously going to be the best man. Depending on when we actually have the wedding, maybe his baby girl will be the ring bearer. 

I frowned to myself as I thought it over. If Lia was Jess's sister, who was married to Phil, does that make me Phil's brother-in-law?

Oh my God. Phil was actually going to be my brother. 

My excitement wouldn't let me enjoy this moment alone, and I nudged Lia until she woke up with a fight. A small smile made it's way onto her face as I told her why I was excited.

"Good for you, you know, this whole family tree thing really confuses me."

"You've got a month to find out what my niece is to you."

"Isn't she my niece too?"

"I don't think so...but  I could be wrong." Lia giggled. 

"When are we going to announce our engagement to the world? I want to make some sarcastic comments about a ball and chain on my radio show."

Lia pouted. "Dick."

"No, babe. I'm Dan." I grinned, pulling her closer to me. She pushed herself away with a roll of her eyes. "Anyway, I have a few house viewings today. Want to find our dream home?"

"Ugh, I don't want to grow up." the pout disappeared as she snuggled into my chest. "Can't we stay here forever?"

"No." I chuckled. A few hours later we found ourselves in Starbucks, going through the houses we saw. I linked my fingers with Lia's distractly, playing with the ring I gave her. 

"Oh my God! Do you see that? Kelsey! It's Dan and Lia! Is that a engagement ring?" I turned my head to see two girls aged around 15 looking at us with wide eyes. I quickly covered Lia's left hand with my other hand. Lia looked up at me, silently questioning if I was okay.

"We should tweet about that thing." I murmured quietly to her. "Otherwise it'll be all over tumblr before we get the chance."

The two girls approached us, so I grinned up at them. "Hey! How are you guys?"

One girl looked too stunned to speak, so I carried on talking. "Did you guys want a picture?"

Both girls nodded. "Can we have one with Lia as well?"

Lia looked surprised, but we took selfies with them. One of the girls covered her mouth as she saw Lia's hand.

She looked up at us both. "Congratulations!"

I felt my face get really hot as I grabbed Lia's hand. "Thanks. Don't mention anything just yet though. We're going to announce it officially soon."

The girls nodded innocently, before rushing off. 


"Lia just sit the fuck down. It's not going to be terrible. It's not like they don't already know we're going to be together forever." I yelled out from the study. The camera was pointed at my face, recording me as I grinned as Lia came into the room.

"Can't you just photoshop me into the video?"

I shook my head, "Get over here."

Lia shuffled over, planting herself onto the chair next to me. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Twitter are asking the questions and we have to answer Dan" I gave her a mask with my face on it. "Or Lia. Lame but it might be funny." I then handed her her face. 

Lia giggled. "Right, so let's begin."

"Who is the laziest?" I questioned, before sighing loudly. "This is pretty obvious." I lifted the face mask to my face, putting on the mask, then turning to Lia, who was wearing my face also. I laughed loudly. "You look terrifying."

"Is there a reason why you are wearing a mask of your own face?" Lia giggled. "This is so stupid."

"I give up, can I put off this video until those girls eventually leak it on the internet?"

"Why not just tweet it?" Lia lifted her phone and I put my head on her shoulder as she lifted her left hand and took a picture of us, tweeting it. She slammed her phone onto the table and looked away. "Okay, now they know and we don't have to worry about that anymore. I hope they don't freak out."

"Even if they do, it doesn't matter." I mumbled into her hair, kissing her head quickly.

Okay I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Okay the next chapter is a serious A/N as I need to address something. 

Big Decisions- a Danisnotonfire / Dan Howell Fanfic (Sequel to I Chose You)Where stories live. Discover now