Chapter 10: Feeling okay.

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"Dan. Dan wake up." I felt a small nudging feeling on my cheek, and I groaned, opening my eyes and wincing at the light. A smile instantly formed on my face as I saw Lia awake and well. "So Doc said I should renew my allergy pen. I used it up during our meal a few months ago." Lia gave me a lopsided smirk and I shook my head at her.

"Why do you always try and scare me like that? I thought you were going to die! That's not fucking okay, Lia. It's not."

Lia's smile slipped slightly, and she nodded. "Well I couldn't breathe, so I guess I was."

"I'm glad you're okay, though." I entwined my fingers with hers and brought our hands to my lips. I looked up as Phil entered the room, with Angela and Jess in toll. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't realise. I didn't know-" Angela began, and Lia put up her other hand to silence her. 

"It's okay. I'm fine, still alive. Now when can I get out of this place?" Lia giggled, and I smirked at her.

An hour later we were out of the hospital, and Angela had to be at the radio station so the rest of us found a small restaurant to have lunch in. 

"Have you edited all the footage of our makeup video, Dan?" Lia asked me, referring to the video for my channel. Lia had already finished editing her one.

Phil laughed loudly, and I groaned at him. 

"Don't judge me." I whined, smirking at him. "It was pretty funny."

"So have you?" Lia blinked, and I shook my head.

"I'll get it done later, I've got loads of work to do for radio 1..." I groaned, and Phil nodded. 

"Tomorrow we've gotta go in. We'll be back late."

"That's okay...I have some things to sort out." Lia sniffed, and instantly I knew what she was on about. I shook my head quickly.


"I'll talk to you about it later, Dan." Lia muttered, ending all conversation of that topic.

As soon as we got home though, I didn't hesitate to continue where we left off.

"So you're going to see Finn?"

"Dan, please. Don't make this harder than it will be."

"Tell him. Tell him it's never going to happen. That you love me. That-" Lia could sense that I was getting somewhat upset about the whole deal so she grabbed my hand, placing the other on my mouth. 

"Dan." She whispered, smirking at me. "You're so cute when you worry."

I pulled her hand from my mouth. "I have every right to worry, Lia."

"I know, I know. But...for me, try not to? I'm a big girl, I can handle myself."

"That doesn't help." I muttered, and Lia's smile slipped slightly.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, I don't trust Finn. Promise you'll tell me what happens."

"I will. Promise." Lia smirked at me, leaning forward to kiss me. When she pulled away she raised an eyebrow at me. "When did you want to do our hypothetical window shopping?"

"Wha- oh..." I smiled at her, kissing her again. "What about now?"

"Don't you have a video to edit?" Lia grinned at me, and I shook my head.

"It can wait." I grinned back at her, taking her hand. "It's all hypothetical."

"Of course it is." Lia giggled, squeezing my hand affectionately. 

Another hour later, we found ourselves browsing jewellery stores, in the hunt for an engagement ring. 

"That one's nice...but not what I imagined." Lia pointed to one ring, and I smiled at her.

"Well let's carry on looking, then." I chuckled at her, as some man in a suit came over to us. 

"Anything I can help you with?"

"Do you have anything similar to this one?" Lia looked at me, then him, and he gestured us over to another stand. 

"We have quite a few." He beamed at us and I noticed Lia's eyes widen as she pointed to one ring. 

"That one." As soon as the man offered for her to try it on, she shook her head quickly, and stepped closer to me. 

"Babe, do you mind getting me a coffee?" As soon as she was out of sight I nodded at the ring. "I'll take it."

"A fine purchase." (A/N: Lol)  The man grinned, and I shoved the box and ring in my bag as soon as I paid for it, rushing over to greet Lia.

"Hey babe!" 

"I'm going to pretend I didn't know what just happened!" Lia smiled at me, taking my hand, going on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around my neck, kissing me quickly.

"What? Nothing did happen, babe." I winked at her, and her smile widened. 

"So what shall we do with the rest of our day?" 

"Hmm...I see into our future..." I shut my eyes, pretending to be a psychic. 

"What do you see?" I heard Lia giggle.

"I see a bed...ooh." I chuckled, opening my eyes and letting go of her to grab my coffee. "Tomorrow is going to be so busy. Nothing better than having to plan our segments for when Chris takes over our show whilst we're at VidCon."

"Is Jess going?"

I shook my head. "No, she said she's going to stay at home cause the baby and that."

Lia frowned. "But she's only a few months gone."

"It's for the safe side." I took her hand, squeezing and pulling her out of the shop. 

"Wait! I want to shop for cute clothes for Jess!"

"Jess can buy clothes herself, Lia." I rolled my eyes, but she shook her head. 

"I mean the baby! I'm the godmother and auntie, I want to get her some baby clothes." She smiled, and I sighed at her quietly. 

"Sure." I wasn't sure how much of a good idea that was, but I walked with her anyway.

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