Chapter 32:

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"Lia." Rebecca smiled sadly at me as she opened the door the next day. Her arms wrapped around me as she gave me a hug, before leading me inside. Emmy greeted me with a smile before running upstairs. Rebecca led me to the kitchen to make me one of her famous cup of coffees.

"Cuppa?" I nodded at her and sat down.

Emmy POV

As soon as I got to my room, I reached over to the house phone and dialed Jack's number quickly. He'd left early today to go to central London with his friend Will, so I knew Mom had decided to have Lia over when she knew he wouldn't be there. 

"Hello? Mom?"

"It's Em, Jack. You've got to get back to the house." I stated urgently. Jack had to know about this. As much as I liked Lia, her being involved with our family had to stop for now. 

"What? Why? Is everything alright?"

"No. Just get here quickly."

"You better have a good reason for this." Jack muttered before hanging up. 


"So...I'm guessing I'm not allowed to visit Finn at hospital?" I bit my lip as I took a whiff of the coffee cup in my hands. Rebecca nodded.

"Jack goes to see him everyday. He'd be furious if he caught you there."

"I don't know...Jack and I used to get along so well. Lately he's pushed me away, when all I want to do is be there for him. He needs his friends around him."

"Why did you and Jack never become a couple?" Rebecca blurted out, covering her mouth quickly. "I'm sorry. It's just that he was always there for you when you and Daniel broke up...I just figured you would give in to his advances."

I bit my lip stubbornly. "I never...I'm happy with Dan now."

"Are you?" Rebecca pushed. "I mean, you've been through a lot with him."

"Yeah, and we've been through it together. I'm engaged..we're going to get a new place and a pet..."

"Do you think a pet is going to fix everything?" Rebecca shook her head. "I know you don't have any parents to come to for is it alright if I gave you advice?"

"You want me to be with Jack." I stated, shaking my head. "I've been with Dan for so long, can I just be happy for once, without people trying to fix my life for me?" 

I felt my voice raising, before I jumped as a car passed by the kitchen window. A few moments later, the front door opened and shut.

"This better be fucking import..." Jack angrily glared into the kitchen, looking straight at me. "...Lia." His eyes seemed to melt straight away, and I knew it was a mistake to come here.

An hour later, I found myself sitting in a hospital. Finn was lying unconcious in a bed in front of me, and Jack was on his other side. The look Jack was giving him made me want to burst into tears.

"They don't know when he'll wake up, or if he'll remember anything. He might be a father by the time he wakes up." Jack bit his lip, his eyes watering as he looked over to me. "I'm sorry for lying to you."

"I don't blame you. I'm sorry for...everything."

"You didn't do anything wrong. I just didn't think Finn would do something like this. We were fixing things between you and him...and then he just..." Jack frowned, shaking his head. "I can't see him thinking that this was the way to escape the issue. Finn would treat the situation like me. I'm his twin- I should know him better than anyone..." 

I ran over to him as his face crumbled and he put his face into his hands. I kneeled by his side, slowly peeling his hands away from his face. His eyes were red and avoided my gaze. 

"Jack. Please, please don't beat yourself up over it. You and Finn aren't the same. You can't be sure what was going through his head when he overdosed. It wasn't exactly recreational drugs. So it's not like he was doing drugs behind your back?" I tried to make him feel better, but there was only so much I could do, seeing as his brother was lying unconcious in front of us.

"I'm sorry I'm such a dick to you." He muttered, before we jumped at a knock at the door. 

Dan stood there, his face blank. "Lia."

"Dan." I whispered, standing up. I could tell he was trying to hide something from me, so I excused myself for a minute to talk to Dan outside. "Is everything okay?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to see Jack and...Finn?" Dan ran a hand through his hair. "You know how terrified it makes me when you're around them."

"Dan, can you stop freaking out? I have to be there to support them. Jack is going through things you've never experienced before, so can you give him and me a break? He needs me right now."

"Oh, I'm sorry I don't have a twin who is in a coma right now...but that doesn't mean I don't understand. I just think I should have gotten a bit of a heads up."

"I didn't know Finn was still in a coma until recently." 

Dan looked like he was trying to understand. He grabbed my hand, wrapping his other arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him. "Babe. I don't like you being around them. Will you please come home with me?"

"You're barely home as it is, Dan. You're always busy. You're either working or going out or having another existential crisis!" I frowned, "I barely see you anymore."

"You can see me now...I plan on going home, getting into bed and...waiting for you to join me." He leaned in closer, kissing my lips softly. As he tried to deepen the kiss, I began to push him away. 

"Let me stay here for another hour or so. Please." I craved him, but I couldn't leave Jack crying over Finn to sleep with my boyfriend. It just didn't feel right.

Dan groaned loudly, before pulling me towards him in a hug. "I love you. Don't be long."

"I won't." I whispered, kissing him once more before squeezing his hand. " can stay if you like."

"I don't want to intrude..." He frowned, before I shook my head. 

"Please." I tugged on his hand and pulled, bringing him into the hospital room. Jack was leaning on the bed, eyes shut. I pulled another chair to sit next to him, and Dan sat in my old seat, watching me as I played with Jack's hair soothingly as he slept. I shared a glance with Dan, who smiled at me calmly. 

"I love you." He mouthed, and I repeated the line back to him. I was glad I good be a good girlfriend and friend, without having to worry about anyone getting hurt for once.

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