Chapter 35:

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"Lia. Please come back to bed." I groaned as I tried to reach out for her. "I'm not ready to embrace the world yet."

I heard my favourite giggle, causing a smirk to reach my lips with my eyes still shut. "It's noon. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the world. Shit, I have like 10 missed calls. Hold on."

I heard her disappear, before returning a few minutes later, her tone more serious.

"Dan, Dan come on, we've gotta go to the hospital. Finn woke up last night. Jack's just got there and he thought I should know. Come on!"

I huffed, but did as she asked. We made our way to the hospital we hadn't visited in a while and the first thing I noticed was Jack, pacing the hallways. He jumped for us when we got to him, a smile on his face.

"He's fine. Bit grumpy but I think he'll be fine. I'm not letting his ex anywhere near him, though. I don't think he remembers breaking up with her, or the pregnancy thing, so don't mention her to him."

After his parents walk out, it was our turn to greet him. Lia held a bunch of flowers whereas I held a few things Jack said he'd like.

As soon as we walked in, Finn's eyes lit up.

"Lia, it's been a while." He opened his arms out for a hug, which Lia wearily did, before backing back to me and taking my hand.

"You've been away for a while, has Jack filled you in?"

Finn shook his head. "The kid doesn't want me to get stressed, but really I just don't remember much. But I feel fine. The trip to Italy is a bit of a blur, I can't exactly say I remember doing much there, like it happened years ago. How are you two doing?"

Lia held up her left hand. "Engaged."

I was more than surprised when Finn grinned widely at us. He looked to me and gave me a nod. "That's fantastic. I hope I can make it to the wedding- I would invite my girlfriend, but Jack said I broke up with her. Sounds like something I would have done, she was getting on my nerves a little."

"So you don't remember anything at all?"

Finn shrugged. "I want to know, but I think it's best if I just pretend like the past few months never existed. I don't want to be back in hospital again." 

"That's great." I nodded. "Um, you can definitely come to the wedding. But we haven't started planning it yet."

Lia looked up at me, surprise on her face. Was I actually inviting the guy- who hated the idea of me and Lia together, or as the shippers say...Dia- to our wedding? Fuck, I actually was.

As long as he doesn't suddenly remember his feeling for her on the day of the wedding, I guess I should be fine with it.

Maybe I should go to the gym so I can be a decent opponent to all of these guys. 

I was being half serious for a moment. Finn could totally hit me if he wanted to, especially with a twin.

While I was having this internal debate with myself, Lia was edging closer to Finn, talking excitedly over how the past few months had been. Finn looked over the moon to be in her presence, but I could tell that it was different this time.

Finn was no longer after my girl.

He just didn't know he had been after her for a while and possibly could have attempted suicide over her, maybe.

But he still wasn't after her now.

Oh how I'm glad he kind of woke up with amnesia. 

Me, Finn and Lia are fine afterall.

Jack cleared his throat from the doorway. He sent me a look, but gave a bright smile to his brother and Lia.

"Hey, Mom and Dad are back. They've brought a bit of family and friends so do you mind coming back in a few hours?"

I nodded. "I have some radio stuff to do, actually, so you can ask Jess if she wants to come, Lia?"

Lia shook her head. "I'll come solo. Jess won't want to leave the hospital she's so ready to get the baby out."

I chuckled, before pecking her on the lips. "Love you." 

"Love you too, babe, now let's get going." Lia tugged on my hand as she pecked Finn on the cheek, before towing me out of the room and down the hallway. I felt around in my pockets, expecting to feel my phone and my eyes widened when I realised it wasn't there. 

"Shit, babe. I'll be back. I left my thing." I let go of her hand and ran back to the room. The room was now full of new people, but Jack greeted me with just as much enthusiasm as before.

"What's up?" He asked as I felt around my pockets again. 

It was in my back pocket. I sighed, relieved.

"No worries, I thought I lost my phone." I pulled out my phone to show him I found it, but then my eyes froze on one woman in the room. 

Why was Lia's Mom visiting Finn at hospital with his family?


Dan ships Dia too oh God haha

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