Chapter 9: Dinner.

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I climbed into a taxi with Lia, texting Angela that we were on our way, before I looked up at Lia, who was sitting next to me, staring out of the window as the London streets flashed by us. I eagerly grabbed her hand, causing her to look away from the window and direct her attention to me. 

When we stopped outside of Angela's apartment, we jumped out after paying the taximan and knocked on Angela's door. Phil opened it, smiling at us brightly and letting us in. 

"Hey guys!" Phil exclaimed, and stepped back as Lia and I walked in. I've never been into Angela's apartment before, but I recognized the outside from walking her home once. I saw Jess sitting on the couch, watching TV, and I heard the sound of pots clanking together in the kitchen, so pulled Lia over to greet Angela. 

"Angela thanks for inviting us." I smirked at her, wrapping an arm around Lia's waist, and she nodded quickly. 

"No problem, we're having duck if that's okay."

"Sounds great!" I smiled and then frowned slightly. "Er, Lia- mind if I talk to Angela quickly in private?"

Lia looked up at me, confused, before nodding, letting go of my hand and wandering into the living room. Angela looked up at me, raising an eyebrow. 

"What's up?" 

"Can I ask you something?" When Angela didn't respond I continued speaking. "Did you call my girlfriend a bitch or something on the phone at Radio 1, that time when I had a panic attack?"

"Of course not! Did she tell you that?" She argued, an angry tone to her voice. "Just because she's your girlfriend doesn't mean she tells the truth all the time, Dan."

"I think you also failed to tell me that Christian isn't even his real name, is it, Ang?"

She stopped stirring the sauce in the pot, and sighed. "How did you find out?"

"Funny thing, Lia bumped into him yesterday. At first I didn't believe her, but why did you do it?"

"Because. Because Lia. I knew she hated me straight away. I had to do something to make her think I wasn't interested in you."

"Are you?"

"Don't be an idiot...just a little." She sniffed, and I looked away. "I don't understand why you took Lia back, she's everything-"

"-I didn't take her back." I interrupted her angrily. "She took me back. because I realised all those things you said, the wanting the continue my genes, not having a future with any was all fucking bullshit. I'm going to marry her. I'm sorry, but there's nothing you can do about that. We're just friends."

"I got that, Dan." Angela sniffled, and wiped her finger underneath her eye. "You don't have to say it in that way, though."

"I'm sorry. But I had to. Lia is feeling awful cause she didn't tell it the way it was with another guy. Not hard enough, obviously." I muttered, squeezing Angela's arm. "I hope we are still friends."

"Yeah, whatever. Go to the living room, I need to finish cooking." Angela said coldly, and I nodded once, before shoving my hands in my jeans and wandering over to the living room. Lia was sat down next to Jess, talking excitedly, and I sat down next to her. 

"Everything okay, Dan?"

I nodded quickly. "I asked her about Christian."

Lia looked expectantly at me, and I shrugged at her. 

Half an hour later we were sat at the table, and Phil helped Angela serve the dishes. I felt my eyes widen at the food. 

"This looks delicious, thanks Angela."

Angela smiled at me. "Thanks! I've made this dish so often I've perfected it."

Phil's eyes gleamed as he took his first bite of the duck. "Mmm! I can tell, this is delicious!"

I poked the duck with my fork, dipping it in the sauce generously as I took my next bite. "Did you make this sauce?"

Angela shook her head. "No, came from the packet, all I do is heat it." 

Less than a minute later, I heard the clatter of a fork hitting the plate, and throaty coughing. I looked over to my right, at Lia, who had an expression of shock on her face as she clutched her throat, struggling to breathe. 

"Lia?!" I panicked, confused. "Lia?"

"What's in the sauce? Angela what is in the sauce?" Jess asked quickly.

"Er, plum and orange- why?"

"Lia's allergic to orange!" Jess exclaimed. "I'm calling an ambulance."

"I've never seen her like this before- Lia! What the fuck do I do?" I looked around at everyone, who all seemed to be out of their seats, looking frantically at Lia. Jess got her phone out quickly. I looked back to Lia, who had fallen off her seat, and I quickly caught her to make sure she didn't hit her head. I felt the tears stinging my eyes as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. 

I heard the rushed whispers of Jess calling the ambulance, and I laid Lia down on the floor, thinking back to the short first aid feature I did with Peej. 

"Please be okay, please be okay- where the fuck is the ambulance!?" I yelled, and I heard severe crying to my left. 

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Angela wailed, and I breathed heavily, looking at my best friend. 

"Phil! Do I give her CPR? Phil!" I cried, unable to think correctly. I looked back to Lia, still struggling to breathe.

The next thing I heard was sirens. Strangers entered the strange house, pulled me away from my girlfriend as they treated her there and then. Another man reassured me as I cried on the sofa, then offered me a ride to the hospital once they had treated Lia and she was in a constant condition. 

I didn't know what to think...not until I see Lia awake again.

Ahhh poor Lia! Poor Dan! 

Question for you many people know what to do in a situation like that? Hm? :) Let me know if you do! ^_^ 

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Big Decisions- a Danisnotonfire / Dan Howell Fanfic (Sequel to I Chose You)Where stories live. Discover now