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Zendaya Harris

"Grama I can't. I'm not strong enough. Please. Just hold on a little longer. They can fix this. They can heal you." I cried. I was looking at my grandmother on her death bed. This woman has made me everything I am. She loved me when no one else did. My grandmother sacrificed so much for me. And now she's dying. And there's nothing I can do.

"Now you listen to me Zendaya... Grandmama loves you. And you need to be strong. You have a beautiful mind and a strong heart. Don't let this turn you cold. God will heal me. Whether here or in heaven. Grandmama is going to be ok. I've lived my life. And I'm satisfied in what I've done. God gave me the chance to raise yet another gorgeous young lady." She coughed and wheezed slightly. We were in the hospital room at LA general. Tubes in her nose and arms. Her skin looked pale. She was a free spirit. And being confined to four walls seemed to kill her more than the leukemia. The room drained the light and airy liveliness that was my grandmother's soul. She's been in this hospital for 6 months. And everyday her condition is getting worse.

"What am I gonna do without you..." I sobbed

"You are going to live with your father. I've been in contact with him through the years and he said he'll take you. He only stayed away because he didn't want to interfere with your life if you were happy. Now he has no choice."

"But grama..."

"No buts! You will respect that man!" She said coughing wildly.

"Grama calm down. It's fine." Tears still streaming down my face.

"Promise me baby. Promise me you won't shut him out..."

"I-i promise."

"Promise me..." She had another short coughing fit. "You won't let this world turn you cold. That you will continue to have that beautiful mind and that strong heart." I was crying harder now.

"I promise grama." I sniffled

"I love you Zendaya."

"I love you to grama."

"Now let grama go to sleep. I'm getting tired." I kissed her forehead and then her hand.

"Ok grama." I sat in my chair next to her bed. No matter how hard I tried the tears kept falling. Falling as my world continued to crumble.

"Don't you worry baby. Grandmama gone feel better real soon." She seemed to read my mind... But I still knew what she meant. And it made my heart quake. But soon enough, we were both sound asleep.


I was jolted awake by a loud continuous sound. I looked around franticly trying to figure out the problem. I soon realized by the rushing in of nurses and doctors... That my grama was flat lining.

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