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I get out the shower wrapped in my towel. I finally got all that sht outta my hair. I'm still mad about that. And I'm still thinking about what Michael said. I removed the towel so you could see my torso. Do I really look anorexic? I mean he would have to know that I'm not. I just told them I ate when I could afford it. I rewrapped myself in the towel and walked out the bathroom. I almost dropped my towel until I seen a figure on the bed watching TV. I screamed at the sight causing him to look up at me. Within seconds Michael and the light skinned boy burst through my door.

"What's wrong?!" Michael asked. I thought he didn't give a fuck.

"Uh... Um... Nothing. He just scared me" I said pointing to the bed. "He lucky I'm holding this towel."

"I know cause you probably would've slapped me."

"Trey what are you doing in here anyway!?" The other one asked. Ok so his name is Trey.

"I heard what Ty said to her and I was coming to apologize for him."


"What he say?"

"He called her a broke anorexic bitch." He said it so nonchalantly like it was a compliment.

The light one hit Michael. "Why tf you say that sht?" Oh he's Ty.

"Y'all niggas ain't hear what she said to me?!"

"Y'all niggas don't get it." Trey said getting up off the bed. "She's coming into a new house with five niggas. Four brothers and a dad that left her. We pranked her when she got here and obviously she didn't think it was funny if she was trying to kill Aug like a crazy ass. No offense." I shook my head and held up my hand telling him none was taken. "So under the circumstances, outside of her tragic loss that just happened, I doubt she's gonna be receptive to any of us anytime soon. We just need to give Lil mama some space."

"Thank you." I said smiling. "Now can you all get out so I can get dressed?!"

"Oh my bad." The light one said.

"Aye what's your name?" I asked before he left the room. He have me a bright hundred watt smile.

"The name is Chris babygirl."

"Nigga why are you flirting with her?" Trey said pushing him out the room. Michael trailed behind them. I grabbed his arm turning him to face me.

"What?!" He spat.

"Uh.. Why did you come when you heard me scream? I thought you didn't care." I looked down at my feet kinda embarrassed by asking.

He sighed lifting up my chin. "Just cause you don't wanna be my sister doesn't mean I'm finna stop being your brother. I'm sorry for what I said. I don't take rejection well." He admitted honestly.

"It's cool. I'm not trippin."

"I'm guessing I'm still not your brother..."

"Nope." Then I closed the door in his face.


Once I was dressed I decided to walk around. I was dressed in a sweatshirt and athletic girls shorts. My hair was up and I had on my last clean pair of Nike socks. I put my headphones on blasting Fifth Harmony. I slid and danced down the hallway in my socks. My music was on full blast and I was in my zone. The hallways were confusing. It was like a modern day castle. Twists and turns everywhere. Nigga. What is Daniel's job? I attempt to moonwalk and I bump into something. I turn around to see Trey. I cut off my music and took off my head phones.

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